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thinking of buying a tractor......advice please


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well i have be wanting to buy an old tractor for a while now :-\ it's just something to keep me busy and something to work at over the next year or 2. and something to cheerish  8) i know it's not much but i probly would go as high as 2000pounds (at the most) i also would like to buy one local (within Northern Ireland) but i dont know what sort of tractor to look for...i realy like the ford 2000's and the massey 35's 130's, 135, and so on... but i just dont know where to buy one from.... :-\ the autotrader magazine is out today i mite buy it tonight and have a look :-\

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I think your be better of buying a farmer's trader i reckon  ;) ;) ;)

why not look for a international 474/574 decent little tractor with a cab which you can pick up relative cheap  :) :)

My thoughts exactly, ;east with one of these you have some hp to mess about with, so if you have the chance to go hay turning, you can pop a haybob on the back with no worries, move a trailer, buy a link box, your options are endless and just tidy it up as you go, as when you have the time/effort/money. :);) ;)

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farmers trader is all over the UK and dad will only stay in NI :-\ aye some of those internations are nice... realy like wee nashs 8) shes clean 8)

That's an 885 like our one, so 85hp, but these are worth about ?3000-4000 and hopefully on the wway up, as they are classics. :);) ;)

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I have always liked the style of the 135 more so then the 35 so I would vote for either a Ford 2000 or MF 135. A couple nice things about the 135 is that you can get parts for it anywhere in the world as they are so popular, plus they are fairly compact so they are easy to work on without needing big tools and equipment and they don't take up much space.

My gramps has a Ferguson TO-30, MF 35 and 135 as well as a John Deere H, Ford 4500 TLB and a Allis Chalmers B. His MF 135 was the first tractor I ever drove and spent a lot of time on it over the years but learned to drive on my neighbors Ford working on his farm.

I have a John Deere M, Allis Chalmers B, Massey Harris 81RC, Ford 640 and then more Ford and New Hollands but they are modern. The Ford 640 finds itself hooked to a rake or tedder every year now and is a fun little machine along the same lines as the little Masseys. I enjoy wrenching on them because they are so easy to work on. These new tractors are terrible to work on, I had a neutral safety switch act up on my TN and had two options to access it, either remove the opterators platform or pull the loaded rear tire. Well, removing the rear tire was the easiest route ::)

When you decide what you want and get it home make sure you post a thread and keep it updated as you go about fixing her up. Best of luck to you.

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Good call Robert.... the problem with 135's over here is they have become Soooooooo desirable... it's reflected very well in the price they command...

how is the 135 price-wise over there now... I guess it's bigger kit you guys are more after for the rally field ??? - or have I got that very wrong ???

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Good call Robert.... the problem with 135's over here is they have become Soooooooo desirable... it's reflected very well in the price they command...

how is the 135 price-wise over there now... I guess it's bigger kit you guys are more after for the rally field ??? - or have I got that very wrong ???

You can usually find a decent 135 for around $3500, if it is in great condition then it is around $4500. The price on these has been about the same for quite a while. I am sure the price is going to be climbing since more and more small landowners think they need tractors and they have been driving prices up. The 35 can usually be found for around $2k mainly because of the styling. It looks old while the 135 looks more modern so people pay less for the 35.

I want to get a small tractor with diesel and power steering to replace the Ford 640 as it is the only gasser that is used in the hay field and lacks power steering so my helper doesn't like using it. I thought about buying a TT from New Holland but am not happy with my NH dealer right now so I am looking to add more color to my farm operation to teach them a lesson (they are 2 miles away). Growing up on my grandfathers MF has always made me fond of Massey red :)

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His is worth about ?5000  ;) ;)

That would be the day......saw a mint one go at cheffins with about 3,500 hours on the clock make ?3,900 the other day which had to be the limit for a tractor of this caliber. ;)

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That would be the day......saw a mint one go at cheffins with about 3,500 hours on the clock make ?3,900 the other day which had to be the limit for a tractor of this caliber. ;)

A while ago they were sorta in the mood of selling it, And i asked how much and that's what he said  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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Get the buy and sell also! id say you will find it hard to get a 135 for 2000 pound's but you would get a 2000/3000 for that alright!another little tractor you should consider is the David Brown 770 and 780 which are a lovely little tractor and are a very shout after tractor! i have to say id rather drive/operate a DB 770/780 over a ford 2000/3000 and its not because im a DB man!

there is many other's to also consider like the small nuffield's/leyland's mini bmc's and the little fordson Dexta's ect ect.. if i were you id keep looking for a while and always make sure to test drive the different tractor's before you buy!

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A while ago they were sorta in the mood of selling it, And i asked how much and that's what he said  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Where money is concerened in all aspects of life, you'll realise that there is a difference between market value and the sellers value. Prime example is when selling something like a tractor we want the trade to be high, whereas you want to buy when the price is at a low. Sure I'd love them to be worth that, but it's pretty unlikely. :'( ;):)

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thanks for all the comments guys, they are all helping me 8) leylands are quite cheep to pick up but they're quite big and im looking a smaller tractor, i do understand that there isnt a lot on offer for 2000quid, and i already knew that 135's arnt cheep :-\ im always looking at the for sale section of any farm mag, theres 135's going for as high as 5000!! dad also said to me ide be better getting a tractor with a cab but i told him that they aint cheep!! alothough thats why i like the 2000/3000 because there cabs are quite nice, and the overall tractor is quite cheep and there isnt much that goes wrong with them, there wasnt much that went wrong with the *000 series ford.

keep commenting, alothough im not replying much, im trying to gather my thoughts here, thanks very much guys 8)

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There are plenty of good tractors out there around the 2k mark you just gotta keep looking when i brought my 1st 955 my sister had just brought a trade-it to look for a car so i was having a look through and seen a 955 2wd locally wasn't even looking for a tractor at the time so went and had a look at it and brought it for ?2000 it was advertised for ?2200  ;) ;) ;)

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International 674. I know I said this in another post - not duplication Andy, promise - a friend started his contracting business with a 674 for around a grand.

Was a super little tractor, good cab, bit more high tech and useable than your 'true classic' like a 135 etc, [i'm right there aren't I Marky - it's not just hype?!] plenty of power.

If you want a toy for working days, shows and road runs, by an 'old fashioned' thing and love it.

If you want a toy to get dirty and maybe even earn a few quid, go a bit more modern.

What about a little Zetor? What are they like price wise these days?

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we seem to be in the same boat JDM , there's a lot out there for ?2000 but if it's not what you want , then it's worthless .

The prices of 135's are ridiculous, in the current farm trader i can buy an MF 968T for ?3,950, an MF699 for ?2,400. 135's & 35x's are anything around the ?2,500 - ?4,500 it's crazy.

i'm looking for a half decent 100 series tractor & i know i'll be paying ?3,000 - ?4,000 easily .

There's a few good looking 500/600 series masseys about , but i dont want anything with a cab like that, if something goes wrong , i cant afford to have the cab split from the tractor & the fact that unless it comes from the east the cabs are more likely to have been subject to dung & more liable to need serious repair work doing to them .

just a case of hurry up & wait mate  ;)

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i dont want a david brown, although they come cheep, i dont want a few headaches :D

well i'll look into more different tractor, simon i'll look into a 674.

i know 2k aint much but that's why im taking my time in this :-\

Nothing wrong with David Browns Bloody good old Tractor

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