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A few pics of my brochure collection...

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Wish I could put a figure on how many MF leaflets I've got but gave up counting them a long time ago. Estimate 2500+ at a guess. Once you start collecting every MF leaflet for every country it kind of starts getting out of hand.....

But mon ami, I hate to tell you this I don't have the biggest MF literature collection - that honour must go to John Sellers, a dairy farmer from near Bury in Lancs, who has been collecting since the 1970s and as a hobby since 1992. He must have 5000+ plus, including variants, etc. He's even into associated AGCO companies like Valtra, Landini, Challenger, Fendt, etc and he also does the whole world-wide thing. Even Perkins-powered machines tickle his whistle. You should go up there and have a look one day....after you've been to my spot. He attends Spalding and has now discovered eBay.

He beats me hands-down on MF, but I beat him on general collection size across all brands.



Good heavens Rory... that sounds like a collection I would like to see  :P - I hope to catch up with you at Spalding... so you can introduce me to John - and I can 'blag' an invite to have a look sometime  :)

Do you know what his ebay user name is... I'd best stay out of his way... he sounds like he's on a mission  :o

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I don't know John's eBay user name as he goes to a relatives to access the internet. He's only just found eBay in the past few weeks and suffice to say he's now like a pig in s**t surfing all the world's eBay sites for MF sales literature.....sound familiar?

I used to be able to match John at one time but I had a lean spell from 2001-2003 and he overtook me good and proper. Plus he has the advantage of being able to focus on collecting fewer brands, whereas I'm into anything....and I do mean anything (even though I probably have more Ford and MF literature than any other brand, and have a soft spot for them).

Like me, he doesn't really touch manuals, only brochures and Product Info manuals. By the way, you must buy a 'Global Corporation' by E P Neufield. Long since out of print but packed with worldwide MF info. You need to get an MF worldwide catalogue, too. Pricey, but excellent. I only have a couple, plus a couple of the more recent efforts.



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Rory... thanks for that... yes it all sound too familiar... sadly  :D :D

WWC is next item on my agenda... but they don't come up too often these days  :'(

I'll be surfing for that book later today then... many thanks for the information  ;)

wow, thats some collection!! :o :o :o:) :), i must pop over and have a look!

You are welcome any time Mr Holmes... as always  ;)
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I just did a sad thing and counted my brochures and leaflets for the MF 200 Series. Approx 250 items on models from the 230 up to the 299, including the Brazilian, Libyran, Turkish, etc, etc variants. Various languages.

R Day

:o - blimey Rory... I reckon I have around 50  :-[:D :D - Oooo I hate this collecting malarky  :'(

Mrs F's gonna flip when I tell her this  :-[:D :D :D

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:o - blimey Rory... I reckon I have around 50  :-[:D :D - Oooo I hate this collecting malarky  :'(

Mrs F's gonna flip when I tell her this  :-[:D :D :D

dont tell her and blame it on Rory when she finds out!! ;D ;D ;D.....that then gets me and Sean off the hook! :D :D :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you only have UK brochures or also from abroad. I do have a lot of dutch MF brochures, maybe you are interested?

I think it's great what you have done Marky, I'm now busy doing the same with my Ford, Fordson, NH and conversions collection.

Regards, Jack.

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Do you only have UK brochures or also from abroad. I do have a lot of dutch MF brochures, maybe you are interested?

I think it's great what you have done Marky, I'm now busy doing the same with my Ford, Fordson, NH and conversions collection.

Regards, Jack.

I collect MF stuff from all around the world Jack... I'd be most interested in making you an offer for any Dutch items you may have.  :)
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  • 1 month later...

i stumbled accross this..

WOW.. i only started collecting brochures for a few months now and probably have not more than 100 in total..

now i have to cancel my New Zealand vacation so i can pay for the other 1000 or so brochures out there..  ;) any idea how to break the news to my (ex?)-girlfriend?

i'll blame you naturally as you have gotten me addicted now to expand and expand and expand.. LMAO

thanks for setting a goal for me now.. maybe i should contact Jack about his brochures.. or better not as i am already buying 20 brochures on ebay as i speak..

anyways.... keep on the good work and tremendous collection of brochures and collector books you have got there!!!!!!!!! something to be proud of!

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Thanks Buddy... I've just scanned in another 5 from todays postie call....

I'm on about 780 now.. I think Rory has got over 2000 MF ones alone... not to mention the other brands he collects  :o :o

Good luck with your collection - keep us posted on how it goes...

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Marky, are you some sort of timelord?  ???

Because you seem to be logged on here as often as me not to mention running the fruit empire.... and then I see this......you're a genius.... catalogued by series, I love it.... :D

I collected probably aroubd a thousand brochures throughout my childhood, all kept in a filing cabinet in my room.... 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 60, 70 series fords, 56, 85, 95, 4000, 5000, 7000 series case, all the MF's.... you name it, anything which was produced through the 80's and 90's I had it all, including implements, combines, foragers, fresh from dealers' racks straight into my cabinet.....and do you know what happened to them?

My mother threw them out.. >:(.. heartbreaking.... :'(

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i stumbled accross this..

WOW.. i only started collecting brochures for a few months now and probably have not more than 100 in total..

now i have to cancel my New Zealand vacation so i can pay for the other 1000 or so brochures out there..  ;) any idea how to break the news to my (ex?)-girlfriend?

i'll blame you naturally as you have gotten me addicted now to expand and expand and expand.. LMAO

thanks for setting a goal for me now.. maybe i should contact Jack about his brochures.. or better not as i am already buying 20 brochures on ebay as i speak..

anyways.... keep on the good work and tremendous collection of brochures and collector books you have got there!!!!!!!!! something to be proud of!

hello Wil,

just PM me and maybe we can sort something out.

At this moment I have about 1400 different Ford, Fordson, New Holland and conversion brochures from all over the world. Most of them US, but also from Japan, Australia, Brazil and India. Will post some of them in the near future. All of them are filed by country and on date from old till new, and all in protective sleeves.

Also I do have about 400 other makes of tractor brochures which need te go to make place for my Ford collection. Mark purchased some MF brochures already  :) :)


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Indeedy I did... and what a super prompt service Jack offers as well  ;) - feedback score 100% from me  ;)

Thanks Simon... I do seem tro spend a little too much time on here lately....  :-[

Such a shame about your collection.. I had lots of other makes as well in the 70's... but I am blowed if I can even remember what happened to them now  :-[:-\

I guess the fact that so many brochures got thrown away is what makes todays collectables... er.. collectable....  :-\ I've re-catalogued them all again since - as I get more I tend to break them down further to more numerous 'sub-divisions'

Yep... very sad indeed  :D :D :-[

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