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great job now :-* do the front linkage move at all? a weight block would go handy 8)

front linkage goes up and down. was thinking about a box for the front of it ;) would have thought this model would be better with weights instead the the linkage and maybe front linkage on the bigger Zetor :-\


put a stone fork on  it when out ploughing

it's not going ploughing ;) the plough was the only mounted bit of machinery I had handy when I took the picture, it was that or a 6 meter power harrow ???:D :D


you can take the arms off by unscrewing them but the mounting for them is cast into the chassis ;)

Well poo tho Uh for casting it in the chassis


was it an easy job to change the linkage deerepower?

the hardest part was unscrewing the linkage because you need a realy thin screw driver to do it, you have to pass it through one of the gaps in the rear wheels as the wheels are not fixed via a rod (they can be turned opposite ways at the same time :o) the top link and pto bit can be eased off then just make a fixing plate for the siku linkage and fix to the chassis.

Sean if they had used their normal linkage it would have hit against the mudguards


I think they are scared that there models would be butcherd to much for wheels and chassis  ;D:P

Well iff i got one it's going down under the screwdriver and the Dremel cutingweel ;D


is it really that narrow across the rear axel then????? it look small but i aint seen one yet to be sure,

Heres a pic with it compared to a siku linkage adapter, you can the distance between wheels  ;)


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