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BA STORES 5th Annual Working Day Lyne of Skene on May 17 / 18 May 08


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Now back to have a go at ploughing again



And thats my ploughing for Sunday... a vast improvement over Saturday though I say it myself ;D ;D


Now heading for loading up and we bypass my grass cutting for the day.


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Niow time for a wander round.

Look at the kids getiing to use a small digger under supervision. Why just kids i wanted a go too >:( >:(



A P6 and DB loaded up and ready for home


A Morris commercial and a Marshall M loaded and ready to head to Aboyne


Next a Ford 4600 and timber wagon


And next a 1971 Ford Roadless 115


And now back to County's

First a 1976 County 764 Highlander


Then a 1982 County TW 1164 Highlander


Next a rather nice old JCB which was a late entry



And finally a 1978 County 1174 pulling a 1968 1124


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Ok thats it from me and BA stores for 2008. Now onto monday and thats the clean up day

Foxy all washed down


The only damage for the weekend was one broken section on the blade but that isn't serious


Now Foxy back in temporary storage for the Summer


Now the plough needs unloading


All cleaned and greased and ready for next year ... perhaps


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Is that JDC's friend's MF 1200 ???

Some nice stuff there including that big old Ford ;D

Don't think its JDC's friend. I'll check the program to see where it came from tonight though Colm

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Nice pics Bill,

Nice to meet you aswell :)

Thoroughly enjoyed my day out, Mrs ih634 begs to differ though, she was freezing and bored with me stopping looking at tractors and talking to people all the time :D :D

Was talking to a guy whom I used to go to college with and it turns out his family owned the tractor I now have, for a fair few years, and he spent many an hour driving it!! :o small world.

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Don't think its JDC's friend. I'll check the program to see where it came from tonight though Colm

Colm both the MF 1200 & 1505 were entered by Messr M& G Sievewright from Huntly. new kids on the block to me but nice to see new things coming to the show.

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it was a good show did you get any pics of the jcbs because on saturday they were not there what was the other tracter in the other trailer

I'm afraid the only JCB I saw was the cabless one earlier owned and restored by a chap from Banchory who works for JCB.

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Thanks for sharing the pics with us, very nice indeed. Looks like a good "working" event with plenty of interesting exhibits :)

Oh it is an excellent working event Mark and the dry and sunny weather made it even more enjoyable. One of the best shows I attend in the season because you actually get your hands dirty use your machines instead of sitting around and driving round a couple off circuits in the ring. Only 360 odds sleeps till the next one ;D ;D

The event is run by the owner of BA Allan Brownie and after expenses all proceeds are for charity. Last year £ 5,000 was donated to charity including £ 2,000 to the ANCHOR cancer unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

This year the main charity is Marie Curie. Lest hope we exceed the £ 5,000 of last year.

Allan actually just made the event himself after having been in hospital with a kidney stone and then picked up an infection. He was looking like death warmed up on Saturday and should have probably been resting but there was no way he was going to miss his 5th show.

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Nice pics Bill,

Nice to meet you aswell :)

Thoroughly enjoyed my day out, Mrs ih634 begs to differ though, she was freezing and bored with me stopping looking at tractors and talking to people all the time :D :D

Was talking to a guy whom I used to go to college with and it turns out his family owned the tractor I now have, for a fair few years, and he spent many an hour driving it!! :o small world.

Glad you enjoyed the day Brian and it was nice meeting up with another forum member. I can understand what Mrs IH634 was saying but can I suggest for next year you send her shopping and you and Stevie come along on your own ;D ;D

That's amazing to meet someone who drove your tractor in past. All adds to the excitement of the hobby.

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Thanks for the pics, Bill - a shame I missed it, but you've got some great shots in any case.  Some nice machines there!

Really good show James and I'm sure you would have enjoyed it. Pity you could not make it to take the photos since it would have given me more time to cut grass and try to improve my ploughing  ;D ;D

Another year perhaps ???

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I know the question was for Tris but is it Scammel 6x6 Explorer? ???

Used to have a dinky toys one as a kid.

Yes you are spot on Kev. It has now been fitted with a Leyland diesel engine and the owner ( the bearded one on the tank) was having great fun going over hills and howes and making those rear wheel axles piviot. I'm sure Tris will recognise this one having told me his grandfather used to drive one ( See my post in general discussion on some Classic Scanias and Vintage Trucks.

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:( I want one  :( They are a smashing looking truck Bill. I remember sitting in them at shows as a kid. .. . not a word was spoken I was in awe at the size of them and how high up I was at. Nice spot of mowing there as well I see, very nice indeed. Makes you want to go out mowing for hay now I expect. Ploughing is good to, no Dangerous Bend sign needed there, eh?  ;):)

Looks like a lot af machinery got a good work out and I was surprised to see that big Allis and dome of the artic steer MF'f there.

On a modern note though. ..

Nice Audi  :-*:-* :-*

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:( I want one  :( They are a smashing looking truck Bill. I remember sitting in them at shows as a kid. .. . not a word was spoken I was in awe at the size of them and how high up I was at. Nice spot of mowing there as well I see, very nice indeed. Makes you want to go out mowing for hay now I expect. Ploughing is good to, no Dangerous Bend sign needed there, eh?  ;):)

Looks like a lot af machinery got a good work out and I was surprised to see that big Allis and dome of the artic steer MF'f there.

On a modern note though. ..

Nice Audi  :-*:-* :-*

It was a really really good weekend Tris and I can't wait till next year . The chap on the Scammell Explorer was fairly enjoying himself putting it through her paces. I didn't have a chance to speak to him but I will try to do so at the next event he attends.

I'm well pleased the the diesel car and so much more economical than my last a 2.5 litre V6 Vectra but I do miss the nicer purr of the V6 engine ;D

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thats not a scammle exsplorer its the pioneer the 6x4 verstion my dad used to do heavey vehical trials with an exsplorer but the trials stoped but now they are comming back and dad is on the look our for another exsplorer

Brillant tool go almost anywhere

i will post some pics in a new topic of some i have seen and the one dad had  ;):)

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Oh sugar, yes your right tris that is a exsplorer :-[ I didnt take much notic just saw the pioneer tyres on the front  sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  i should have know considering we had one  >:(::) ::)::) ::):D;)

She has  a bit of a rust prob hasnt she

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