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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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Well then... today I are bin mostly... pulling up tree stumps and digging out piles of old builders spoil... few pics...


They took some yanking I can tell you...  :o


Towing it to the pile...



But... Farankie is sick now... she's cooked the auxillary pump I think... when I press the combined flow button she just blows the relief valve and heats up the oil  :'( :'( :'(

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Nice pictures there marky but another illness for frankie :'(  But you got feeling this stems back from baler through the fact its constantly pumping to keep baler hoisted on road cause sheer weight of it and then when using it?

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Yeh , is it the hydrualic pump? Has it been left pumping

Any ones you had trouble getting out

No addy ... she never gets left in pump when not in use mate.. honest  ;)

sounds like this one was made on a tea break  ::) ::)::) typical french junk :D :D :D :D :D

of she can handle hard work :P :P :P

she can join mavis in her cave now and leek oil all over the floor :D :D :D :D :D

Pwwwwwwwwwwwwttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fatty  >:(

Nice pictures there marky but another illness for frankie :'(  But you got feeling this stems back from baler through the fact its constantly pumping to keep baler hoisted on road cause sheer weight of it and then when using it?

That's exactly what I think it is buddy... she's done 400 hours now... most of it in combined flow.  She's not really been right from new... shes get VERY VERY hot around the backend when the pumps not even in use  :-\

that doesnt sound good marky,hope shes there for sat the 5th mate, long way to come to just use mavis, and she wont pull the bailleys for adam will she poor little thing :D :D

I hope so too Sean... I can't do without her either... I guess I'd have to hire a tractor if shes going to be away for any length of time  :-\
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Shame frankie is showing her true colours now....

My mxu 110 gets hot in the back end doing road work.... none of our jds do tho, mate runs a rotec drain spinner on his jd and hasnt had a issue with it yet, done nearly 3000 hrs in the last 4 years....  that thingis heavy, he has replaced both rear outer axle seals, that will be the next thing to do on frankie

you going to run a baler demo on the saturday buddy? id love to see it working.... Line up some work for the monday, ill come bale with you  ;D give lumpy the day off

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Shame frankie is showing her true colours now....

My mxu 110 gets hot in the back end doing road work.... none of our jds do tho, mate runs a rotec drain spinner on his jd and hasnt had a issue with it yet, done nearly 3000 hrs in the last 4 years....  that thingis heavy, he has replaced both rear outer axle seals, that will be the next thing to do on frankie

you going to run a baler demo on the saturday buddy? id love to see it working.... Line up some work for the monday, ill come bale with you  ;D give lumpy the day off

Shame indeed Nick.. All the problems I have had to date relate to the combined flow pump... a real pain really.. I reckon she'll need to come to bits on this one - I really don't think the heta the backend generates is right in all honesty - so I'll be asking for that to be checked as well  :-\

I've got no baling jobs lined up at the minutes Nick... but if one comes up I'll see if we can make it the monday then  ;) - I should warn you that lumpy does most of the work  :D :D - well... all of it really  :D :D

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