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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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Did I hear my name mentioned  ;) Good Looking  ;) nearly Shrek when you were 5 I know  ;)

Sorry Marky ...failed to see you name flash up on the phone whilst your ringtone "burn baby burn " played in the office earlier.. I was told I couldn't answer it as the staff were all enjoying it so much  ;) plus the fact seeing my reaction of legging it out of the room screaming "leave me alone"  :'( :'( :'( :'(

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How ell can this topic go 39 pages unbelievable :o :o :o :o even more unbelievable is that Sean seems to be using the spell check....... :D :D :D :D :D  could we talk about something else then Marky tractors???????????/pwwwwhtttttttttttt :P

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  • 1 month later...

Bit of an update to Frankie's topic... I had a day in the seat today.. interesting jobbie... baling a few thousand acres worth of HDPE spray cans... and a few dumpy bags as well...

I left work at 6.30am this morning... 40 minute drive through Cambridge 'cycle city' as its known... when I arrived... I was greeted by a Green Tractor  :o :o

I've blanked the farm name out as I forgot to ask permission to post the pics up...

Anyway... I'll tell you about it in a story book style-e so please make yourself comfortable...

First up...  >:(


We had two 'batches' to bale... a LOVELY 14t Marshal trailer (painted in Claas colours) full of cans...



and a 'pile' in the corner....


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Here is a bale all made and ready to 'eject' in the machine...


Lumpy securing the wires on the bale...


Then... SHOCK HORROR... an oil slick began to appear under Frankie  :o :o


so I called my mate Graham at the local dealers... he was with us within 30 mins... good service hey  ;) - it turns out one of the valves in the spool block had worked itself loose... the oil passing the o ring had caused it to fail... so one o ring later and we are in business once again...

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As it's quite cold... the plastic is quite hard... although it compacts well (too well really)... plastic has a 'memory' and always tries to expand back into it's old shape... hard plastic is quite forceful (and not pliable)... so... about 30 mins after we had made the first bale... we hear a loud ping... followed closely by a further 3 pings... and we go outside to find our hard work all over the yard  ::)>:(

Subsequent bales were 'backed off' a little before they were tied off  ;) - learn by your mistakes and all that...

Here is the offending bale....


which was soon re-baled... da dar...


we ended up making 8 bales today... which was pretty good going for the type of product we were working with...

finally... view from the bridge... I get to sit in here and watch lumpy work on the camera  ;D:D :D


Any questons... fire away

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great pics's mate, looks like you has it easy today  ;D ;D

I'm knackered..  :o:D :D

been a busy boy then mate, do you take the bales away then?? or does he deal with all that

we took two full loads out of there today Sean... one more to go as well... he'd baled some of is own in a borrowed baler.... not a very good one by the looks of his bales mind you  :D :D
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with you, do any of your customers sell the bales then?? or is that all part of your contract to remove and sell it on?

No... we charge to come and bale.... take title to the waste then sell it one mate... kind of a double whammy.... if only plastic was worth something  :'( :D :D
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No... we charge to come and bale.... take title to the waste then sell it one mate... kind of a double whammy.... if only plastic was worth something  :'( :D :D

Marky  you may be able to answer a question for me

Are  plastic spray containers actually recyclable as i was told that not many if any recyclers would touch them due to the possibility of contaminents (even after tripple rinsing the containers still have traces of chemicals ) They would only incinerate them :-\ :-\

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What a gorgeous gorgeous tractor!

(Please Note: The author of this message is reffering to the John Deere 6820 and nothing with red pant on) (P.S ha ha ha ha ha ha you broke down)  :P :P :P

>:( - I think you should retract that Jezmond... or I'll get Barry to come over to Gremany and sit on you  >:(

Marky   you may be able to answer a question for me

Are  plastic spray containers actually recyclable as i was told that not many if any recyclers would touch them due to the possibility of contaminents (even after tripple rinsing the containers still have traces of chemicals ) They would only incinerate them :-\ :-\

They are recyclable Scott... some won't touch them.... others will... once they are flaked they can be washed clean... then granulated (evidently)
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not to bad then really, you must have increesed the size of that stack considerably since i poped over in november then mate, how often do you get rid of it from there?

It's now a mountain Sean.... about 150 bales in the yard right now... I only get rid of it when the price is right really - so in recent times... never  :D :D

As for you Addy... watch it pal  >:(:D :D

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