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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. thanks guy's first time i did something to a trailer/machinery!
  2. thanks mate it's the first time i do something to a wagon/machinery Thiking of making a dio in the future if ive got my own house!
  3. Not finishd yet but already pulling his first load! And a test run if the engine is strong enough
  4. This evening i made a maize load Inn a Joskin silo space First i filed the Joskin whit OAZE stuff that the flower sellers use for stick in flowers The maize is from a Model Hobby shop
  5. don't know what it means mate ??? Some times is my english verry bad [ Do you mean you want to buy it ??? This one is not for sale its for my own colection! Maybe in the future (if there's enouf intrest i make more and sell them!)
  6. thanks mate YEP.......IK HOU OOK..... you know the rest to mate ;) ;) ;D ;D
  7. thanks sean this was a one weekend project (exept the decals and two warning lights i must order!) I spent about 40 hours on it now started friday evening begon saturday early in the morning till last night 3 o clock! And started today again about 10 o clock till now! My girlfriend asked me if i went insane!!!! [
  8. Just take the rear fenders out off the shed The paint need to hard out so i don't dare to push the bonnet and the cab good on the chassis!So everything is standing lose on the chassis! I was qurius how it looked! Now i need to paint the black pieces of the rear fender and i removed the steering pin of the cab! The hole in the cab roof is now filled whit plastic puty Hope the model is now better than the most guy's expected and the proportions are much better now
  9. the rear fenders are drying in the shed so i paced up only the bonnet and the cab on the chassis Here are the pics
  10. :o i think the same great work mate It crossed my mind to make a magnum because there is one driving around at my area! Think this one is going to be stunning! Got one qeustion what kind of model do you use for youre chassis
  11. Thanks guy's but you must see it tonight because i painted the bonnet ! My mother in law say's that the paintwork even looks better than the siku Bonnet! Shall look to put the pics on as soon as posible!
  12. here are some pics must do it now because some one else need the computer
  13. Thank you guy's (also for the critisism) The thing is this my friends i did a lot of work on the model and i always thougd the MF8280 from siku where to smal from siku! If you look on the forum latest conversions Jan Jaap Bol had made the same kind of model on this chassis only his one is a 6490 or something! What did i do last night on the model: cut something of the chassis that the bonnet is standing much lower on the chassis! The proportions are now much better! I take a look of posting some pics tonight because now i am working on the rear fenders that the have a the extentions on the sides! My regards Johny MF
  14. Johny mf

    MF 4800's

    i think i have also pics of this company I think the have a 1200 to or something like that
  15. well the thing is this mate I had to make the bonnet a litle bit higher than the one from the 8280 because the cab of the 5455 has the horizental pin a litlebit higher! I am going to try to cut something off from the chassis that the bonnet lowers a litle bit!
  16. this is how it looks like when it is on the chassis (including cab and rear fenders!)
  17. Yesterday i begon a new project The model is based on the MF8280 from siku Cab and rear fenders are from the MF5455 from siku the bonnet is under construction but this is how far i came! Must polish the bonet because now it is standing in plasticpudy! here are some pics of the bonnet.
  18. coming soon! These are the presentation pics of MF
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