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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. one for the massey masive SIKU WILL COME OUT WHIT AN NEW MF MODEL NEXT YEAR!!! ;D Don't know what type my dealer did'nt know that but he where told that a new massey is on the way! Next year!
  2. I shal do that mate I Am going to take as Much picture's off the whole happening ass i can and post them here in a new topic for all you ladds! And ofcourse pics from all the models that i had bought
  3. Thanks mate! The colection is still growing Next week I go to Zwolle AND I AM GOING TO SPENT A LOT OFF MONEY!!! ;D
  4. i have also blue one's in the colection If you look in my topic the rest off the collection from Johny MF you can find pics off them!
  5. what must i do whit a blue one I have a space problem at the moment! so Only Schl?ter's MF's and John deere's for me lateley! And one Belarus must pick that one up next week!LCN CLUBMODEL! thanks Udimor
  6. In agritoy was an article a few years ago on this kind off model! It was a scratchbuild model the man made 2 off them! It was a convo from a dutch scratchbuilder
  7. Has anybody the email adres for me from Martyn Reeve for me Want to send him an email to order some models fore Zwolle! Like this 1080
  8. sorry but i already said it i am distracted today Personal reasons :'(
  9. thanks sean now i know whitch model you mean i am a litle distracted today \
  10. can you make a turn whit this set up and is the model holding the wheels when you lift it up from the table/helf
  11. i know that but most off the time the gear leavers are on the right side off the cab and its hard to get in from that side! I drove one time a 6920s and it where verry dificult to get in from the right side off the cab! (needed to get in from that side because sombody parked it against the wall Stupid person that where!)
  12. looks good to me but i begin to wonder how you can get i the cab
  13. :o :o My maize harverster stop IS NOW OVER!!!! I'll buy it if i can get one!!! (i decited that i stopt buying Combines and Maize harversters!But for this one i make an exception! )
  14. :o looks good :o by the way HOW MANY OFF THESE MODELS DID YOU BOUGHT ??? I must wait for Zwolle :'( (or youre swinging youre sleaves and they fall out! )
  15. there are great models i heard And there always supli?rs At agri tech
  16. and Jason did you get the parts you orderd yet I am also thinking of making a magnum but first want to look how youre one's coming along! (for ideas!)
  17. can't wait to see what's it going to be (i think a tractor! )
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