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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. I know what you mean mate! I must make me an order list to but i don't want to pic it up at Zwolle, just because i take some money whit me! And want to spend that on models that i want to buy! I know my self and if i find some models that i want i think it is a pitty that i just spended the money on parts and decals! So just order it whit the mail!
  2. Thanks massey boyI think this model is not a succes in england (maybe because you must love this tractor and taste's are difrent!) Soon i go furter whit the Massey's Yester day i made stairs on the MF3650 so only need to finish some paintwork on the cab and order decals!And make windos in the cab!
  3. Hope for you he has time for it! Because next week is Zwolle! and there are a lot off people that order parts and decals to pic them up in Zwolle!
  4. the cab is not straight at the moment but the roof top is not glued between the two side's off the cab!
  5. Here is a litle update off the schl?ter again! Did a lot off work on the chassis and painted it Also did a lot off work on the bonnet and also painted it Now i am going to start whit the cab and make the interior and make the roof! If that is finished add details on the cab and paint it! Then make the wheel on the chassis and put on the decals!
  6. :o alreday looking good!! It has a lot off potention!!
  7. here is a photo off the tractor how it must look like (not the same type but its looks the same!)
  8. did some work on this one this evening begon on the roof and made the plate for the grill for the bonnet I also painted the arches in schl?ter yellow
  9. i don't have that books but i want to order them in the future The second book is it realy worth the afford
  10. I've got the same book my friend! Bought it at the show in Nordh?rn germany!
  11. ;D ;D my girlfriend dousnt like that Photo \ she said to me MUST YOU REALY HAVE THAT PHOTO!! \ :'(
  12. Have you already seen the photo's off my colection Joe are two topics from me in My COLECTION
  13. shall do that its not propriate for young fella's so i will remove it
  14. don't know iff the second photo is alowed if so i must be removed (just incase sorry!)
  15. here for the carwash girls ............i mean........ the schl?terwash girls an example how to wash a schl?ter!
  16. i know what you mean mate (i would do the same and some massey's ofcourse!)
  17. Looks realy good mate The schl?ter from tyro toy's where about 760euro!(can't afford it :'( thats why i will try to make it my self soon! )
  18. i would be pleased if they do that Joe! I already have decals for making the 3500! but first i need to find some proper wheels! By the way nice drawing (youre avatar!)
  19. nice pics mate about the tyers my uncle did it to his MF 3080 when they where almost ready for new ones it drove much better after the where turned to the other sides!
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