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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. here are some photo's off schl?ter tractors
  2. Great start I am realy stunned that it is the first time you do convo's (i remember my first convo [ that was not half as good as youre's! ) Hope to see a lot off convo's in the future from you!
  3. Thanks mate! When i where younger say 12 years old i went to tractor pulling in my neighbourhood That where the first time i seen a schl?ter! It was a schl?ter profi trac 3000 TVL what a beast! And that was the time i fel in love whit this brand!! * Then last summer i went to germany to Nordhorn en again i fel in love on this brand! (but my NR1 love will always be Massey Ferguson!! ) here is a photo of that schl?ter 3000
  4. Sunday i begon whit an scratch build Schl?ter again! The chassis is made from Balsa wood Still need a lot off work to do on this project but the begining is there! Realy need to order some parts now!!!(for all my projects! want to save posting costs!!!!,But what the heck i am a dutchmen!! ) The cab and bonnet is made off plastic plate again and the wheels are from the Deutz Agrotron 210 from siku!
  5. here is a litle update of the schl?ter again Made an exhaust and an airintake on the bonnet And begon whit the dash! and also the chair! I am also painting the cab again was'nt satisfied whit the result!
  6. I totally agree whit blue power couldn't say it better or more!
  7. thanks guy's this type off tractors have alwaya distrac my intrest! There is something magical around this brand for me! The tecnical side and the shape of the tractor and off course the age off the tractors! There allmost al OLDTIMERS!
  8. yeah i didnt dare to say that (looks youre a tuff guy OLD FORD!)
  9. Thanks i've had a lot off work put in her!! Now Its THE LOVE OFF MY LIFE!!! Still not finished need to put the cab back on but i need some platework of that before she's finished :'( And of course i hope UH will make the 165 whitout cab and whit cab! Iff they do i'll buy them !!!
  10. ;D That's why i am looking for a big house Whit enough space for my models and of course my real MF165 Sandy!
  11. My uncle had a 3080 no problems whit it the time he had it!(about 14years!) The 3080 where trade for a NEW MF6270 but he has still regrets that he trade it!! I learned to drive the 3080 when i where 10years old still i miss that tractor :'( :'(
  12. Well that would be this Ladyfarmer: I buy them all 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) (looks i realy need a bigger cabinet now!! So must buy me a HOUSE soon still searching for it!)
  13. :o :o this is great allis8550 realy a neat model TOPP CLASS WORK!!!!!! Think this is much better then it original was!!
  14. i agree whit sean mate I have a lot off patience but not enough for this kind off work! [ I where thinking for a moment that it was a PMA32 Hitch!!so don't be embarrassed!
  15. looking good mate must make one my self in the future! But you already new that!!!
  16. I think the schl?ter super trac 2000 LS But first want to make a dash in this model and i must make me a list of all the parts that i need for my projects i am working at!(the MF3650,MF1014,MF7495 and of course for the schl?ter!)
  17. :o :o :o i am stunned (mob please i am drewling over here!!!!)
  18. this evening i lowerd the cab on the chassis And painted the wheelplate's schl?ter yellow (had to do it whit a paintbrush because they didnt had spraycans :'( \ ) Think it looks much better then first and now i am satisfied whit the result!
  19. thanks guy's i am verry pleased whit it because last summer i went to a show inn germany Nordhorn And the theme was this brand There where 250 tractors of this brand (one secret this = schl?ter is what i love next to my only NR1 MF!) And ive seen some models of it that i want in miniature! Looked on the internet found some models of Schl?ter in miniature AND I WAS BLEWN AWAY OVER 700euro the models cost!!! \ :'(
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