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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Ive i hear you i am glad that i'm not MARRIED! Oops my girlfriend looks not happy now \ \ SORRY HUNNY * ( )
  2. OK mate no problem But you will be missing much i heard that its going to be much bigger this year greatings Johny MF
  3. I'll go on saturday because there is more on saturday!(more stands!) So maybe i'll finaly going to meet some guy's from here! And i hope if my friends sean and marky come i'll meet them to!
  4. The drawing of the Next schl?ter is also ready! Drawn at scale 1:32 and its going to be a Schl?ter Super Trac 2000 TVL lS But that ones going to take a wile because i must make the chassis my self and find some proper wheels for it AND i must finish some projects of me (standing in the background of the schl?ter! )
  5. again a update for today! Painted the cab and the deatails on the bonnet Now i must cut something of the chassis that the cab will lower a litle bit! Now its not good (in my vieuw its standing to high!)and i am not satisfied whit it!
  6. well if i can use parts from other tractors (if you mean that mate ) i ll do it just to save time!!! but most of the tractor is made by my self cheers johny mf
  7. the bonnet i not atatched to the chassi so its now not standing straight!
  8. Painted the bonnet today and i gone furter whit the cab Now i must paint the grey on the bonnet and then its almost finished (the bonnet)
  9. ok my friend How is the project coming along so far mate Can't wait to see this one finished!
  10. when i was a postman (deliver package's whit a small van!) The people where always angry at us because the things they order where always to late! But how do whe can deliver the package if whe won't have it! ??? Maybe the man didn't send it to you mate Why don't you call him why its taking so long mate my regards johny mf (by the way i am now a carpenter again at a construction side!)
  11. thanks guy's the first time it works that i am making some other brand tractor (refering to the FIAT!)
  12. did today more on the schl?ter extended the chassis and painted it Also made the bonnet straight whit sandpaper And made details on the bonnet! So what do you think of it so far guy's
  13. here is a update photo of the project Made rear fenders on the cab side! cut some peaces of the chassis and made the stairblocks on the model. Also i am busy to extend the chassis
  14. yes indeed sean will post a photo of the real one tomorow in this topic mate then you know why i want a model off it!!
  15. the weel base where almost the same as the Agrotron 210 from siku Only the bonnet is much longer! Some off these tractors where fit whit an V8 engine! So the bonnet is much longer then the Agrotron 210! Ive got a photo from one whit my girlfriend standing in front of the bonnet and she looked like a tiny girl!!! What a beast 185Hp!! The hight is going to be the same as the original Agrotron from siku And the lenght is as long as the MF8280!!! from siku! ;D
  16. This evening i started a new project This time trying to make a schl?ter!!! (i know its red to!!!) The Chassis is from a Siku Deutz Agrotron 210 And the rest is made my self In front of the model i am making is the drawing of the model (drawn at scale 1:32 What a awful job!!) Enough talking here are the pics (this time a better start then the FIAT!)
  17. thanks sean i am verry proud off it This evening started a new project start the topic later on! Something what you won't expect from me!
  18. not that far yet mate! Need to ajust the chassis a litle bit and re paint it! Must order me som warning lights (for the roof one at each side) And afcourse you already said it the decals And put the thing together!
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