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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Great convo's Got one question can you post the pics that they are standing straight
  2. Looking good I made a 3080 but it stil here in the list so i don't post a photo.
  3. Thanks lads @Simon: Sorry mate i didnt do anything on this one the last couple off days. Because i am renovating my house that i bought. I work on this model in the weekends in the evening. @MJB: The rims are going to be re painted and a litle bit modifyed. I need to make the end delay's off the axels in the rims.
  4. That's the problem whit that type off tractor what is a good chassis Ive seen a lot off convo's off the 7810 (don't get me wrong they are all great) but the thing is or the chassis dousnt look proper or the cab and bonnet are not acurate. I have also a convo off the JD7810 but somewone els build it. I think i have a photo off it around here on the forum.
  5. ok iff you don't have room for them bring them over to me then i will stall them for you
  6. thanks mate. where thinking if i have the UH 8690 to make a row off the MF flagships off the past and present. Whit this 8480 and the 8160 and 8170. Think it must be a nice line up
  7. Great Massey's Paul. I'm also planning 5 massey's off the 64/7400 serie's. I am gonna use the cab andfloorpan from the UH MF5480. Greatings Johny
  8. Cheers Simon Glad to hear that more people use plastic card! I hope that whe gonna see nice things from you whit the plastic card Greatings Johny
  9. Agian a good piece off work Peter Got another question where do you keep youre models when they are finished becuase in this speed you need a lott of space the next couple off years
  10. What a great step ahead Niels Glad youve got the taste off building now mate. Cheers youre mate Johny
  11. Well worked on this one today again (fast progres) Hope you like this convo Did some work on the bonnet and the cassis today and here is the result off that. Sill a lot off work to do on it but the begining is there
  12. Thanks lads Indeed i am verry happy whit it. The line up in the cabinet off 3000's is getting bigger and bigger
  13. Well a wile back i bought some Mattel Big Foods from the Monster Jam for the rims and the wheels to make a schlüter profitrac 3000TVL Made the start when i finished the Schlüter Profitrac 3500 TVL that i made. Now i continued the project and this is how far i am now. First the example And the model: The cab can move just like the real one and from the back
  14. Looking good. I have a bonnet for a IH lying around and a ERTL965xla cab but i didnt knew what to use for it. But now i do
  15. Great start Ian I am going to folow this project
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