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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Also ajusted the exhaust of an MF6290 from britains for the model and putted that on the chassis
  2. Just finished whit the mirors and the hand bars! Also begon on the work lights above the mirors Still need to glue the parts but they stay on (drilled the wholes turning the drill whit my hand!)
  3. Thanks Massey Boy! I wont forget it Mate! (to make massey's) Massey's are my one first love that alway's will be! Just wanted the Bigger Schl?ter models in my collection (but i can't afford them to buy them by tyro toy's! ) Want to make 2 Schl?ters more And also planning 2massey's (one for my self and one for sombody else here on the forum,if he reads this he know's wich type massey i mean! )
  4. BRILIANT SEAN!!! YOU ARE THE PROFESOR ABOUT MAKING MASSEY MODELS (And ofcourse the Other Massey builders here on the forum! )
  5. Thanks Brian I tought know one liket it! :'( Started also this evening to put on the mirors and details (handbars) What a F***** JOB! All this smale wire bending and drilling whit 0,7mm! But it looks awsome on the model!
  6. Here is an UPDATE Painted the cab and rear Fenders ! I think this would be the last post Looks like there isnt enough intrest in it i think!Or i do bad work! What do you think guy's Let me know iff you want to see this model Finishd here on the topic (or not!)
  7. i have one question What do you use for the windows mate I use the display plastic off a siku box but i am searching for a proper material! I think the model is realy THE BOM!!!!
  8. Hey jan jaap the wheels off the 8270 look much better Maybe i buy these wheels and put them under my MF7495! Looks realy awsome!
  9. You took the words out off my mouth Massey Boy! :o :o :o
  10. Hey Jan Jaap looks like a numpty (just joking )
  11. Iff i hear this i think I Sertanly going to buy these models!
  12. That's Right F-P But i didnt know i iff you had seen the photo's I would choose other front wheels for it but that everyone persenals opinion! I getted a lot off coments about using a Siku front hitch on a scratchbuild model from me! But i choose what i like and i must look at it! So I think he done a great job! And it looks right to me!What do you think
  13. Looks good Job WELL DONE it crossed my mind off Puting a roll barr on my Real MF 165 But i drive sometimes when the wheater's not good! So i choose to put the sekura cab back on! Still not finished yet but I am searching for some parts/platework of it!
  14. That looks nice BP good combi Now let it do the work it needs to do And make photo's as well!
  15. I CAN SAY ONLY THIS WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bougth a ROS cab and bonnet in zwolle to make the 3125 on the same chassis as you do! BUT I THINK I WON'T BE EVEN TO GET THAT SO MAGNIFICENT AS YOURE MODEL!!! :'( Realy a stunning Model! :o I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS FINISHED!!!
  16. ME TO :o I have met some one in zwolle how made a Magnum also i can post the pic iff you want F-P
  17. Thanks mate Are you from the french forum I like to sign in but i don't speak a word french!
  18. Looks awsome mate :o You built youre cab's always this way Mabye i can learn something from you!
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