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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. And this one is now finished! I am satisfyed whit the result Only the decals are NOT that good \ :'( Couldnt find better ones so i am satisfied whit it as it is!
  2. Yeah that's true mate! Going to finish the MF7495 this evening! Got the decals and the warning lights now so that's what i am going to do!
  3. well go on Sean finish it mate like to see youre result to This one looks so much better whit those wheels Nice Job!! brianih 634
  4. only need to mount a sprayer on the back and there you go Lookin good!
  5. The paint job looks realy good NICE JOB And yet another nice case model in youre colection!
  6. You where not the only one who wondered that would happen! Like to see the result off that!!
  7. I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN MATE Sometimes i look at his colection and i am a litle bit yelouse
  8. Sorry but i where in a state off extasy yesterday But what the heck IF YOU WANT TO GIVE ME A NUMPTY NO PROBLEM STILL FLOATING ON AIR TODAY ;D
  9. I Didnt get photo's off that the batery's off my camera went dead I think that's a numpty for me
  10. yeah one day to never forget Alan Didnt know that the 3660 where a rare model! So i am Lucky Johny!!!
  11. I gues those MF11's made by H Sikkema The one's that scale 1:1 made by Eicher!
  12. same over here i must realy buy me a house so i can buy a bigger cabinet My parents won't give me no more room for puting my models away in a new cabinet (i want a special room for ONLY MY MODELS!)
  13. i thougt the man said about 125euro! or it where 155euro To aim something about the price! It wil be! I don't think it where 155 euro (not shure thow)
  14. I AM DREWLING MATE :P SSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OKE SOMWONE WHIT A MOBE ROW 1 :P I think now it's the time for a new cabinet to Just went home and put my models in the cabinet! PUZLE PUZLE Saved room for the convo's i am making (but there is not 1 space left for anohter 1:16models :'( :'( And i want the 135's from UH! :'( :'( )
  15. I MUST SAY THIS WHAT A STUNNING MODEL THIS ONE IS! ALTOW IT IS NOT FINISHED! Nice job BP! AND what a nice pics of those real tractors!
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