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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. I know you've seened it all before! The bonnet from the MF6290 Grill cab and rear fenders off the MF5455 from siku It is not finished yet but the begining is there also already orderd parts and decals for it!
  2. Also orderd warning lights for this one and of course the decals!
  3. also did some work on this one last week! Repainted the chassis Worked on the whole in the roof top (where the steering pin where!) And repainted that filled whole!
  4. Here are the photo's as promised! Still need to make a proper dashboard for it and i need to glue the warning light back on! what did i do: Made stairs on the cab Painted the frontweight black Painted the worklights black
  5. Looking good sean :o A couple off months ago i orderd the same bonnet to make a convo like this (whitout a loader!) But Mr Walker didnt had it in stock so i must wait a litle while! But youre's look great!
  6. Not shure i have the brochure mate it will be a big search for it because i have about 3000 difrent brochure's of tractors/machinery I LOVE MY DAD BECAUSE HE HAD COLLECT THEM EVEN WHEN I WHERE NOT BORN!!!
  7. i can try to scan the brochure of it (iff i have that brochure in the collection!) Maybe some good use for the decals for you will look for you tomorow Send me PM tomorow to remind me! mate
  8. The same as my 8170 did it in one weekend! only painting and make a new bonnet!
  9. nice what a stunning model Sean! But i realy love the 3125 MORE (sorry Ford fans! )
  10. i agree Whit BLUEPOWER!! :o So must think again of making an 3125 (as i wass planned to do now it is becoming a 3650!)Now i Know the right proportions! Realy nice job Sean!
  11. well i like the last one My ant's brother is now a New Holland dealer and before that he where a Ford dealer! Ive got a lot off Ford bochures in my brochure colection (about 150!) also a brochure off this one always loved these models
  12. looking good if i look at this i know for shure you can make a 8170 youre self (i can't make implements because i won't have the patience for that kind off work )
  13. well i am thinking off making another one to sell that one next year in Zwolle but i think you can make it youre self because its not that dificult to make that one!And i think i remember some models that you've made so you can do the job! The chassis of the Ales from UH is only repainted and the cab and rear fenders are from the 6290 nothing done cuting off these both!! Only the bonnet is self made from plastic plate And filled whit wood!
  14. i did once an MF8170 the result is in this topic Civilplek http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=17291.0
  15. I just orderd the decals for this model Did some work on this one last week.Also on the MF7495 (new bonnet look)! Photo's will be folowing later this evening because the batery's off my camera are empty \
  16. my girlfriend alway's say to me SIZE IS NOT INPORTAND!! :P About Tractor MODELS!!!
  17. I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. well iff you look at it i think 1chassis and 1 body because the serial number are difrent and there are standing chassis + body
  19. I hope that they also will sell the body's loose whitout the chassis! Because I want all 3 the body's! And only one chassis!
  20. I just sended the Email to Martin So I HOPE I CAN BUY THIS MODEL FROM HIM AND TWO OTHER MODELS!!
  21. Yeah i want the same mate But IT AL DEPENTS OFF Massey Ferguson Iff they give the license and the Prototype model is ready about 2years now!
  22. He also said to me (my dealer!) that UH has a Massey prototype but they did'nt get the license yet probaley it where the 6480! Because they've got a keychain from it! Mf give UH the license PLEASE!!!!!
  23. dame i think i must get me a partime job whit all the great models that came out lateley!
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