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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. And the back off the tractor I think ............I KNOW......................I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (by the way its limited!) :'(
  2. Here some photo's of a new model factory this international is made by the same factory as the LCN clubmodel 2007 beware INTERNATIONAL FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Looks realy good i must say Where it dificult to put them on the model
  4. Tomorow going to purchase this model at Zwolle and Maybe the two 135's to! I hope i can find the 5480 to for a nice price but iff they ask big money i will buy it later (i do have patience you know! ) But it is a great model mate are they in the dealer boxes!
  5. That's exactly what i menth mate I think you do the same as me!
  6. um let me count it up: 1.MF690 2.MF8170 3. MF4135 VALTRAC 4.MF3650 (not finished yet) 5.MF7495 (almost finished) 6.MF1014 (Almost finished) 7.Schluter super 2000 TVL (almost finished) 8.Schluter super trac 2000 LS (almost finished) 9.MF8130 (almost finished) 10.Mf 3680 Think i beginn over whit that one! 11.MF6460 So 11 Models in that time (not all finished yet but still working on them!Some times i am working on 5 models at the same time! I do it that way because i like to difrent stuff each moment i am working on models If you know what i mean guy's )
  7. :o :o :o :o... I mist this topic .......................................... But this model.................. I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard of my suplier that UH had a prototype massey 2years ago but they didnt get the license for that one And i don't know iff i already mentioned this BUT SIKU IS COMING OUT WHIT AN NEW MF MODLE NEXT YEAR!!!! ;D Maybe this is the reason of UH bringing an 5400serie!
  8. looking good Alan1 nice to see the older MF's still in running order and still doing the silage for you!
  9. i tought about it to but when i had my dremel ready it thougt this is to expencive on the cutting discs! Brave man The MF DINGO Seen some conversions off this man but what he make's REALY STUNNING!!
  10. ;D i am doing six convo's at this moment!Maybe Sunday i can finish 1or2 off them! So one step at the time mate! I where thinking off the time the models take you are building!And i must say you have a lot off patience whit them! Some times i do night shifts on my models because i want to finish them as soon as posible!
  11. I know what you mean mate Just got an Email from Walker he can't me the stickers for the 7495 and this 6480 (he said!) but maybe i hav anohter way to get the decals (do it my self!)
  12. can you make a photo off the interior of youre Model sean Like to see what youve done whit it
  13. The same way as i am do?ng it now Sean The air intake is from the UH Ares
  14. is it on the forum already This is my second try this time its diferent from the first time because i used the bonnet off the 5455! That was not totaly a succes (but what the heck it where my first or second convo!)
  15. yes indeed As everythings go wright i'll have the part by saturday Want to pic my order up at the LCN Show! So i can work on my conversions/scratchbuild models allday long!
  16. think this one is coming in my colection And i buy it more but then for convo's thinking about the chassis and the wheels!
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