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Everything posted by smithy

  1. after turning hay today I spent a bit of time on last minute checks on my NH TX 34 combine as my rape was sprayed off today and barley is nearly ready
  2. A very close friends husband went missing just over a week ago we all been looking round fields for him as he may have got lost but the police found his body in a nearby lake Friday night so not the best of weekends
  3. Had a busy 10 days cutting,turning,and bailing hay done 2200 small bales from 9 small fields weather not been the best for this job drizzly days not a lot of sun but first lot done got appox the same to due again but only 6 fields this time . Weather talks about thunder storms down here in SUFFOLK today and tomorrow so will wait till Wednesday then see so will spend today and tomorrow checking over combine as rape not to far away
  4. I picked up my new hedgecutter yesterday also I have been cutting grass for hay since yesterday afternoon with my CASE 4240 and LANDMEC mower.
  5. I have been helping two friends of mine that run a engineering company which is based about 1 mile away from my farm. The project was to transport 3 H beams which was 25 feet long to the site which was about 8 miles away then lift beams and place across the ditch using my CASE 4240 and QUICKE front loader then place sleepers on and bolt down side rails still to be made and I have got to take down some crushed concrete to make ramps on the ends
  6. Got away to the SUFFOLK SHOW for a few hours on Wednesday and saw this the TWOSE hedgecutter on the BRAD farm machinery stand is the one I bought a few weeks ago should take delivery of it next week hope PAUL (PDC) don't drop it of his lorry . Got to go and pack my bag now as me and MARTYN REEVE (Martyns farm models ) are of to the CHARTRES model show in FRANCE today to get set up for the show on sunday
  7. I have been taking the wooden fascia an soffits of my bungalow and replacing with plastic
  8. Went to a model auction this morning and won 2 items a G&M ORIGINALS MARSHALL MP6 TRACTOR in orange and a G&M ORIGINALS JONES BALER which I will stand next to my BRIAN NORMAN RANSOMES THRESHING MACHINE. Will post pictures later. when I got home late this afternoon I went and sprayed 50 acres of wheat with a fungicide
  9. Don't now what would be best? so as it was the front half that had gone rotten I have got 2 sheets of 4.8mm chequerplate coming today (Friday) to try on the front and the back half I will put back the original 30mm thick plywood what I took out of a container floor as this seems to be ok might look a bit odd but don't want to use all steel to start with as I think it might be a bit slippery for tires when wet. Chequerplate is £100 a sheet +vat so don't wont to do it all straight away in case it is slippery the height difference in middle wont matter to wheels and combination drill will sit ok
  10. I built this low-loader to take my combination drill around a few years ago and over the years its had a few mini-diggers;dumpers;and vintage tractors on it but the last dumper being a big one went through the wooden floor as the supports were to far apart and the floor a bit rotten so over the bank-holiday weekend I added some more supports (all the red bits)just got to replace floor now
  11. Went to Cheffins Cambridge vintage sale viewing day today the sale is tomorrow Saturday 26th april and this lot caught my eye
  12. Hope the paint is dry on new mudguards as I have been spaying the oil seed rape today and T1 disease control on some winter wheat
  13. was busy Saturday night all day sunday and Monday morning as I was putting new mudguards on my case 5150 fertilizer had got to the old ones
  14. was busy putting fertilizer on Thursday and Friday as was told rain was on its way for sunday and did it rain no never saw a drop
  15. As long as there is no plastic parts I put parts in a jam jar or coffee jar and fill with paint thinners leave a day and paint normally falls off
  16. when I was spraying my neighbour was drilling sugar beet with a MF35 and a stanhay 6 row drill
  17. last few days I have been spraying putting on fungicides and growth regulator with a bit off broadleaf weed killer on some fields
  18. you might be right there Richard could end up living in it .Its as good as the 5 star hotels we been staying in latterly 4 of the stars we could see through the roof
  19. My granddaughters wanted a tree house but not got a tree in garden to put one in so built this one on legs in my barn over weekend have now moved it into garden hope to finish it next weekend also hope JASMINE and GRACE like it. will post more pictures when finished
  20. What really pleased me today was after working hard at Martyns all morning his mother Mary cooked me a nice dinner of shepherds pie and carrots ;broccoli and gateaux for desserts lovely and thank you
  21. Well done glad you got another job look forward to finding out where and seeing some pictures
  22. Not today but this week rolled the wheat on last years sugar beet land on Monday then moved on to planting this years sugar beet on Tuesday which my neighbour drills for me seedbed was a bit cloddy as no frost tilth this year so I rolled them on Wednesday. spent Thursday over martyns cleaning up parts for his models and going back today to clean up some more as he has a large number off models to prepare for up coming shows
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