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Everything posted by smithy

  1. That's the one sean there is also one at Thetford and most of the ash from both power stations is stored at a farm next to me so I don't have far to go to get mine
  2. Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) we spread on as a granule product we also put the P on in the product called FIBROPHOS which is the ash from a local chicken litter burning power station .The product I was putting on the other day was just nitrogen +sulphur in a prill form .The fibrophos we use is a 0-12-12 product and is put on at 500KGS Hectare
  3. I have been top dressing the oil seed rape,winter wheat, winter barley with ORIGIN SULPHUR-N 26+35 Rates have been 200KG hectare on the rape 175KG hectare on the wheat/barley
  4. these two come from Farmers Weekly as well Robbo not sure what year they produced them but I think I had to send away for them
  5. only just read this post goody as have been busy since getting back, your arms must be a few inches longer after carrying that big bag of brochures I saw you with ,yes we parted with a few Euros will post up pictures later
  6. Now off to luton airport as I am going to Sima show with mf135 should meet PDC and his dad over there also going to meet up with Goodiestractor (Graham del-boy Goodwin )
  7. I have that poster in my collection I think there is a nother tractor one that go with it will have a look in a few days time as I am away from home at moment
  8. Nice to see what's happening underneath us at the moment its raining here in Suffolk UK hope to start topdressing my wheat/rape next week
  9. my rape is all over at Baylem and some off that is light land but it was all to wet for me to go
  10. Your land is dryer then mine is simon as I walked across mine today and my boots just got bigger and bigger so I decided to leave the fertilizer in the barn for a few more days
  11. make sure you line the ramps up properly as somebody I now missed/slipped of the side of the ramps ha ha
  12. Been at LACY SCOTT &KNIGHT toys & collectors models auction today I was outbid on all of the item I fancied today but not disappointed as you cant win them all . myself and mf135+ford8830 plus a friend called Chris went to BC (breakfast club) which for me was properly the best bit full English breakfast and onion rings large coffee lovely
  13. I thought it was £480.00p or did you slip something in my tea? will have to ask Martyn for a pay rise ?anyway it was good to see you too must go now and clear a space in my barn ready for delivery
  14. Up at 6am on the road by 6-45am to pick up tractor parts from my local dealer then go to Martyns Farm Models for 8am to help move some boxes in stock room as he has delivery's coming in ready for next weekend at the Model Tractor Plant and Construction Show Warwickshire ,10am jump in my van and head of to Spalding to pick up some ebay buys then just make it by 1pm at the M&M Auction at Swineshead which was well attended in the room and models were making good prices had to leave sale half way through as had to pick up more ebay buys in the area got to the Farm House Café on the A17 about 7pm had a meal leave about 7-45 to head back to martyns unload van then head home ,get home at 11-15pm total mileage for today 275 time now is appox 11-50 pm so of to bed
  15. Yes I have most of the models that was on sale today as they are all currant new models I can pick up the odd 1 or 2 I did not have later on save money for auctions in next few days as you have one chance to buy at auctions
  16. I had a good look at things Chris but did not buy anything as I have a load of things to pick up from Martyns also got M&M Auction this week and a auction on Saturday then the model tractor show at Warwickshire so there is plenty left for you at the DOE SHOW go in the case tent and look for Graham Goodwin and say I sent you as he just joined the forum he should have his name on a badge
  17. Sorry did not take my camera as it is nearly all new stuff or not more then 2-3 years old and the internet is full of that stuff maybe Chris Watson will take some tomorrow
  18. been up farm and unloaded van from yesterdays work now setting of to go to the DOE SHOW got to go and wind-up GOODIESTRACTOR (Graham Goodwin and Tony Upton)
  19. Well done paul Brian told me last Saturday night when we all had a meal together he was proud of what you have achieved
  20. that is a great collection of models there David ,but the best ones for me are the Britains not the most expensive but have a bit of the good old days attached to them thanks for showing smithy
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