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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Last few days I have been putting the last dose of nitrogen on the wheats and barleys and also found the time to put the roof trusses on my shed
  2. Hello Goody yes me and the other half are ok .I think the look on Martyns face says I have a big chocolate cake for tea tonight or shall we go to McDonald's .Will we see you this weekend?
  3. over the weekend I have sprayed the rape with a chemical called RUMO at 62.50gms/ha in 200lts of water/ha to protect it from POLLEN BEETLE
  4. I planted my rape early to outgrow the flea beetle but still sprayed it twice my neighbours planted a bit later and sprayed 4 times and still lost some .My rape was planted on Monday 11th August
  5. My neighbour plants it for me with his converted 6 leg 3.2m simba solo pictures are in Paulali post Britains simba solo page 2.Not sure about flowering fungicide at moment my agronomist is calling in on Friday with a plan so will let you now but for Phoma &Light Leaf Spot I sprayed PROSARO at 0.750lts/ha on the 27 March
  6. I have been putting on the 3rd and finale dose of nitrogen on the oilseed rape today . The product we used today was LITHAN 34.5% NITROGEN which was applied at the rate of 325kgs/ha
  7. I have been helping my mates again today, because its half-term week we have hung new gates we made onto the posts we cemented in place last week , next job was to replace 3 wooden posts out of 6 which hold up this play area new posts are metal and in the ground 600mm
  8. I have been spreading ash felt planning's down the cart-way that we messed up carting sugar beet of last November so far used about 30tonnes properly need about another 5ton to finish
  9. He pulls it with a J/D 8335RT which I think is 330hp but his previous J/D was smaller and that pulled it ok he used to pull a 4m outfit but went narrower to get rows of rape closer .as light land say its not really the HP its the depth you put it in you go to deep and you would properly need 500hp and get lumps that you cant break down
  10. He has fitted two extra legs on a 3-3m machine 6 in total so it moves the soil in front of the six air outlets on the rape seeder
  11. Not very good pictures but my neighbour use a simba to put rape in as like the model you have done
  12. Feed wheat down here in Suffolk end of march on the spot market was £113 tonne
  13. After leaving home at 4-30am sunday morning to drive to Spalding toy fair to help Martyn and not getting home till 10-30pm its nice to be sitting down today as I am spraying my wheats and barleys the wind is picking up a bit at moment so might have to stop
  14. Looks like spalding has come a week early for you David nice models and 2 more good cabernets to fill and the money has gone to a good charity
  15. Yesterday and part of today I have carted appox 40 tonnes of clay appox 15 miles each way from a farm on the A140 Ipswich to Norwich road to a house near to Otley College to line the bottom of a pond may have to get one more load tomorrow ,tractor and trailer is mine telehandler belongs to the farm where the clay is the boss said that's the heap heres a loader help youself
  16. While I have been spraying all day my neighbour was drilling my sugar beet will spray an fertilize the sugar beet sunday morning
  17. I don't use duals much now as I would be to wide on are roads and as my land is spread about I have to use the roads a lot and putting duals on and off 2or 3 times a day is not much fun
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