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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Had a bit of a sort out on caps and woolie hats the other day there is 54 hats on the table all with agriculture names on them that i have collected up .I have given them away to be sold and money donated to 2 or 3 charities ,they wont make a fortune but every little helps so they say .
  2. My old mate Eric that i bring up has a automatic ford fusion so i plan on driving that up as dr said thats ok as only need right leg so yes unless i do somthing else in the meantime will hopfully see you there
  3. Not farm or construction but my mates down at the forge often call me up and say Thunder Bird 2 can you help us out which i normally try to so i bought my own transport 😂
  4. Just a update foot is still tender and swelling is slowly going down ,big toe hurts a tiny bit ,it was 13 days ago i did it but feels like weeks as cant get on like i would like to ,good thing is i have had 2or 3 good mates drive me around last few days so i can get to Drs etc
  5. On friday i had my combine man call in to check over/service machine ,this rear beater belt had a few cracks in it would propably be ok for another year but its easer to change now than out in field so new belt been fitted ,other belts all ok ,he should be back monday to put everything back together and then change oil and filters
  6. Looks a good spot there paul and fish & chips look tasty . them tractors do look in good shape ,the little Leyland , a mate of mine was salesman at Collings Brothers at Abbotsley until about 1 year ago ,i bought my Kuhn hay mower and a second hand 12 ton trailer of him while he was there
  7. My mate nipped up farm yesterday to help out ,he had welded this together a few weeks back so gave it a first coat of paint will give it a 2nd coat one day next week ,the bar is going along the bottom as a ware edge ,it was this bit that i dropped on my left foot ,on the lookout for a thick bit of rubber to put along bottom behind that front edge . As for me i had abusy day sitting in armchair in barn eating jaffa cakes and drinking coffee watching my mate 🤣😂👍
  8. They are saying 6-8 weeks for bone to heal ,not sure how long it will take for skin to grow back ,allow the steel missed my nail they say it will come off due to shock
  9. Yes at the moment as cant safely push clutch pedal down ,i can cheat in tractor as i could push it down with other foot to activate the gearbox because its all on a shuttle lever under steering wheel for forward or backwards and a button for gears but if i needed clutch in a emergency i would have a job to push it down at the same time as braking with right leg . Nurse said today if i had a automatic car i would be ok as only need right leg
  10. Just a update on foot/big toe , been back to drs and had it dressed for 2nd time ,nurse was happy that i have kept it clean but it was still bleeding a tiny bit ,foot and other toes are coming out in bruise which she said they call it shock bruising ,i am walking better as long as its flat ground ,still cant push clutch pedal down in van so no driving at the moment
  11. Picked this up other day DB Cropmaster not sure on maker ,dont think scaledown did them
  12. I reckon its the grey one ,because its got black rims
  13. They also have the Unlimited Titanium LTD Edition
  14. Did not say about driving but said go home and rest it for a few days and keep it clean as with the big bit of skin they took of it was more likely to get a infection , got a nurse going to dress it friday morning . I did drive home last night but had hell of a job pushing clutch pedal down . My mate broke his leg last year but because it was his left one they said he could drive a automatic as only needed right leg ,but no he could not drive a manual car for 8-10 weeks
  15. Hope it gets better quickly been up A&E about 5hrs , broken big toe ,bad bruising , got a special shoe on to take pressure of my toes . there was a big blister on toe which they have cut off ,it was under pressure as blood shot out , got to have it redressed on friday .
  16. Yes mate ,hell of a job trying to walk have to put my weight on little toe side of foot if i get it wrong it hurts and pain shoots right up my leg
  17. Annoyed me and ###### hurt this morning i had a few minutes to spare before i was of driving so had not got steel boots on ,decided to move a bit of metal thats 2 metres long 80mm wide and 15mm deap ,it slipped out of my right hand as i dont have very good grip since it got stuck at a angle ,anyway it landed on my left foot/big toe ,can hardly walk on it
  18. Nice spreader, i just got one as well a couple of weeks ago , mine has weigh cells and section control
  19. Apart from be very cold last night i had a better evening than i did the day time .As a member of the Suffolk Farm Machinery we had a visit to a farm yard where members of the Suffolk Bunch (classic tractor) keep some of there tractors ,hope photos are ok but was dark and not a lot of space to get around them
  20. Back on monday 9th January just as i was leaving to go up to Lamma for a couple of days i took a call from a mate saying that another mate had taken his own life on the Sunday . Anyway funeral was today place was packed out . He was into mustang cars and there was 20 of them following the hearse you could hear the roar from there engines as they came down the main road . Dont really know why he did it but something was troubling him , he had a good send off
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