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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Yesturday it was still nice and dry so i rolled this wheat that went in at end of November
  2. As i have one in my shed , it really needs restoring , When i was down at the Bath and West Showground a few weekends back i bought this model of Ken
  3. picked this up in the last week , not sure who done it but its based on a Britains
  4. Sprayer controls are a bit awkward to bolt into cab onto the front cab pillar as its right next to windscreen and one slip and its a new windscreen , anyway i cut the bracket away from the rest and welded on a bigger bit of box with a bolt welded in to clamp it up ,had to make this bit twice as i never got it right first time and had to cut it back off and start again . Got there 2nd time so now i have the small bracket bolted on to cab pillar and can be left in place and just slide control box bracket/box inside box/bracket in seconds and do the one bolt up and its in place , took a bit longer to make up than i thought just got to get some black paint to finish it off
  5. Looks like you have had a good time the last week ,nice views and a bit of how it used to be done to look around . As for the 465 you will probably have to leave it in a queue outside till they find room for it 😂
  6. Like jmd has said they do look good sitting there side by side . When you make a wedding present list slip a 4wd nuffield on it 🤣👍
  7. Very nice ,not taken mine out of box to have a good look as yet
  8. And could not leave this one behind .just got to hide them from the wife know🤣
  9. Also added this to collection ,its based on the britains NC Spreader
  10. From 12 till 2pm and from 4 till6pm you could have hog roast rolls and all day you could have as much tea,coffee or beer as you could drink . Other photo is 3 members of are group . As we stopped for more food on the way home ,👍wont need nothing to eat for the rest of the week
  11. Few more from Pecks ,5 of us went up there today ,we got there about 11am and never left till about 7pm,only know got home at 11.30pm ,got to be on training course at 8.30 am in the morrning so wont get a lot of sleep tonight
  12. I went and run this around a headland where spring barley is going in ,mainly to get corners where plough dont get .I will use the mark its made for lifting drill out and setting in so i can drill headland last ,my superviser had a long day so decided to have a sleep 🤣
  13. Started of as just trimming it back as branches was touching bungerlow and over hanging the farm track but it looked a bit silly with just the main trunk and very short branches so had a change of plan ,atleast i got some firewood for next winter .
  14. Yes , i will have to lend her out to my mate colin that farms next door as he has a Deutz😂, on your theory i am clad she did not win a Lexion or a Ideal 😂
  15. Granddaughter Jasmine pulling the Pluton around a headland , headland just needed a bit of levelling in places and corners where plough dont get needed moving ,hopefully we will get another few frosts before we drill the sugar beet and spring barley in this field . Recent dry days and strong winds have dried the top but its wet and puggy underneath 20230209_163929.mp4
  16. We had a visit from a nice lady from Farmers Guide Magazine , my granddaughter Jasmine had entered a spot-the-difference competition and she was one of the lucky winners .
  17. Forgot to take photo out in field but this is back in the yard washing machine down after spreading a bit of Origin Polysulphate
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