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Everything posted by CCF

  1. Quite an ingenious display, not often you see a grape vining display. Fair play to that man
  2. Astounding work mate, front weight bracket looks great on the models. Very nice fleet you have going there
  3. Bang on good job you made of it mate, excellent work as per usual.
  4. Your new beet harvester looks excellent on your display Richard, as always excellent work. Second driver picture is a cracker as well! :D
  5. You said that isn't finished, what else could you possibly add to it!? Another masterpiece Mattias, astounding work
  6. Nice pictures mate, quite the fleet your old contractor has. Great to see again
  7. All of these pictures are getting me quite itchy, we are still covered in snow where I am and am getting pelted in it yet again as we speak Great pictures Sascha, please keep them coming!
  8. Few moving arm models down my way I believe, as there are smaller fields with more obstacles much like the UK. As you move further west however, you are most likely to see center fixed mounts with the larger fields.
  9. As always Sean, superb conversion! The side door looks well smart now
  10. welcome to the forum Lennart, great conversion you've made there, looks well mate
  11. Out in the Midwest where most of the farming takes place, fields are literally just flat large blocks with no curves around trees or slopes like some of you might have in the UK. Therefore, no real need for a moving arm when the center mount works fine.
  12. Nice little set up you have there, the bales looks really great. I might try it for my 1/16 model farm some time.
  13. Nice set of pictures Blake...good find on the UH MF's, must have been a half decent price for you to walk away with that many!
  14. Quite interesting, I thought for a while that most farms in my part of MA used mostly newer machinery, I suppose I am mistakened. My uncle still uses machinery from the 50's on his farm on a regular basis, all the way from Farmall Cubs to 50's Ford Flatbed trucks. It's great that the equipment from that era has lasted as long as it has, it's good to know that other farms in MA still have older machinery earning their keep. If it's not broke, why fix it eh?
  15. Great detail, literally looks just like the real thing. Nice work
  16. Bugger...my comment ran off :D Superb work again Sascha, The belt drive addition looks quite realistic. Keep up the great work mate.
  17. Superb conversions Dan, WOW is all i can say! Fantastic work as always mate
  18. Well done Sid and to all those who entered, an excellent batch of pictures from this competition from everyone
  19. Looks like quite a bit of time went in that, looks great so far mate, keep up the progress
  20. Wow that is excellent work mate, the loader and brush grille looks great on it. Great work!
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