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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. i bought some today £8 dear enough i thought \
  2. interest rates comming down yet again ,, house is getting cheaper all the time my mortage will be nearly half what it was soon . YER MORE MONEY FOR MODELS YER :D
  3. there a good old bus mine was wound open to 220 horses 30 ft triplle mowers on it only thing was you couldn,t keep her cool
  4. thanks i drove one for 3 years always wanted one on the shelf
  5. my camra dose,nt like taking clear pics for some reason sorry
  6. few up dates for you added light,s and hand railes
  7. hope to get to the jdeere dealers tomorrow run out of paint
  8. yes ttv chassy = wheels and ertel 6410 cab pdc,s bonnets
  9. fair play you dirty boy what wil the wife say :D
  10. comments very welcome so many of these been done on here i don,t think she,s far off \
  11. been thinking of doing this for 3 months now so last night i hit it this is the result so far................... \ not glued together yet and needs another coat of paint
  12. look,s good going there is it in a different country dan
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