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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. are they bringing a new plough out think i,ve seen one on here some were i don,t like the argatoy plough
  2. come on get your coat and scarf only kidding plenty of time yet
  3. look just the job not much yellow paint on them rims
  4. yes your right i CARN,T come on captin carpon get on :D :D whens the wiking one out
  5. come on nick you sure it wasn,t you :D how you doing mate
  6. good job , nothing wrong with that and and thats coming from me that used to plough 500 acers a year them were the day s
  7. hey paul don,t forget to put the steering wheel on before you send her over :D
  8. you can leave erm white if you want i don,t mind :D
  9. im like a slobbering dog waiting for my bone no that sounds wrong dog with two d$^&ks
  10. mr pdc is putting his mind to work yet again on this one what you all think folks ,, personally it,s a work of craftmanship
  11. just a little somthing comming my way soon
  12. well tris i,ve had the bonnet 5 months now and i have lost the decals so pdc is sending some over
  13. oh what dose that glue dicast to plastic or,, were dodyou get it from
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