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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. do you know exatly were they are mate could do with finding some of these shops save on postage cost,s
  2. good model shops ey huh my model shop is the internet no retailers round me any more
  3. well after a good lie in now im off to b&q for some tile grout as one of the tiles has come off the floor in the bathroom oh and some wood for a new layout then on the way home into the jd dealers for some paint for models back home put the tile down and spray some models busy day off
  4. lucky sod triss model shop huh non near me have to do it on line not the same is it on the other hand im pleased cos nick (mx driver) is coming over next weeek and im meeting him for a pint as he only lives up the road from me
  5. well if you,ve made that well done best ive seen by far top
  6. nice they suit the loaders,,, common on farms round here
  7. nice pic,s nick you get to do some interestin job,s out there mate can you bring some pics over next week when you come over
  8. any one know when the kunn varimaster plough come,s out for sale
  9. love them fiat conversion,s and that mangely self propeld , don,t see many of them
  10. call me a fussy sod but why put that stupid hitch on it to
  11. don,t quite no why the,ve done that steve i was for buying one but not like that how much was it
  12. great any better pics of the bin i want to make one for the keenan with an auger on it
  13. wicked bout time we all new were to buy scratch built stuff
  14. come on ian get some update,s on here for the lads
  15. and haven,t all them hours paid off goner look a babe on my layout with martins 16 ton red rock behind her cracking job
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