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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. It's roasting here.....very warm and humid.
  2. Very nice MGU........... Where are all the animals though :)
  3. Courtesy of Deere-est For greenery along the side of a building.... glue covered in white sugar and painted green. (see photo above)
  4. Courtesy of TBF (But tested by Deere-est :D) Galvanized Tin Matt black slapped on the corrugated card a little bit sparingly so as not to have it to thick. No worries if it is a bit streaky. Leave it to dry which doesn't take lnog as the card soaks up the moisture. In doing so the card contorts though so either cut bigger than needed and clamp down flat or press flat once the paint is dry. With the paint dry and the card straight, take a narrow brush and some silver paint and maje scrappy untidy brush strokes up and down the corrugations. Each time giving it a fairly good wipe with a rag to dull it down. Once this is done do the same with a rust colour in patches at your discretion.
  5. Courtesy of Graham The bales are the same size as britains ones but they are tree stakes the machined type then i added pva and dipped in sawdust then sprayed yellow and a blast of brown the pics do them no justice they look good in the real well i think they do the silage ones are wrapped in gling film and sprayed got hundred out of two stakes so ?6
  6. Courtesy of Richard De Florennes Don't now if this is a new or great idea, but I made the "carrots" out of rice drown in orange paint. The grean stuff is available in most dedicated (train) Modell shop, the grown carrot plants are made of "Iceland Moos".
  7. This topic is for those titbits that get lost in members posts. Also if you have a quick idea on how to make something PM me and I'll add it also. If it's intricate please feel free to create your own post In this section I am going to lock the topic so it doesn't get jumbled up with OT and comments First up Spuds.........mustard seeds (courtesy of FB) I have also used cow beans (North America) member of the black eyed pea family
  8. Nice jamie, what's the first tractor pulling the silage trailer?
  9. This should help graham http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=14568.msg256511#msg256511 And you lads call yourself Forum readers PAH !!!! :D :D
  10. The elephants were very well done weren't they
  11. Nice Mike always something interesting to see at Clowes Farm
  12. Quite a collection you have there Mike.............. lovely
  13. Looks like fun Tim Maybe found yourself a new beetie mobile
  14. What makes it a european cereal cutting head Maybe he doesn't think we grown wheat over here :D
  15. Excellent models you have. The diorama's show them off very nicely.
  16. Sunny but still a bit nippy supposed to get up to 17c today
  17. Bloody hell Stephen you don't hang about do you ? Looks great
  18. Very nice Tris Does any know how many 1/32 precisions there are (i know there is the Case & the Combine, and these. So just 5? )
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