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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Well my brother called me from Alberta today ( I had lent him my car to drive out there and in Feb he totalled it) Anyway all his stuff (clothes etc was stiil in there) He was calling me to get the ownership as he didn't know where it was and the impound place wouldn't let him get his belongings with out it. So I called them and gave them the details and they said hmmmm we only keep cars 30 days and then they are scrapped. I was like what do you mean scrapped ? crushed into a small box was the reply what about the belongings in the car? crushed along with it was the reply, so I called him and told him, he was not happy...I said serves you right (he should taken care of it weeks ago) :D
  2. I'm not in the group photo :'( :'( :'( :'( Can we all gather back please and have another one taken :D
  3. Glad you are back home safe & sound Tris & Traci
  4. Happy Easter everyone Nice one Timmy, what an imagination and at least my "deer" isn't that yucky yellow & green :D How many HP does my deer have :D
  5. Good job you have made of her Mark, looks great all loaded up
  6. If the primer is oil based and then the topcoat is acrylic that'll cause you grief.
  7. A nice beast indeed. I have that ones sans tusks....keep an eye out for the male African elephant, very nicely done, hard to find though
  8. Well the last few days have been beautiful about 20C - 24C Now it's chilled down to about 2C windy as hell and calling for snow > supposed to be like this until Sunday
  9. Awesome cj....what a great layout. Are the Aberdeen Angus cows Newray? The calves are Britains
  10. Somehow I find that very hard to believe :D *
  11. Yes but you would have to PAY for postage and that would never do. I posted one earlier for potatoes I use cow peas (member of the black eyed pea family, and we've already had the jokes MARKY!!!!!) :D :D
  12. They look great Dave, job well done I'd say
  13. Nice tidy work there Graeme Decals from a set of Krone mowers springs to mind :D
  14. Nice collection there cowboy.......looks like some-one else likes "converting" animals too
  15. Excellent Graham as usual, is it going to a forum member
  16. What are friends for :D :D if it turns out good you can knock me up a set
  17. Stack it up in the builders yard (by the side of a shed)
  18. What about just using plastic and spray painting with that silver paint farmernick used ?
  19. WOW you must have a lot of patience. Oh yes please show us the new way to do them when you can
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