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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Sneaky Mark Sneaky :D :D Looks wicked
  2. WOW although posting pics of the real thing is classed as cheating Mark :D :D
  3. Looks good too me.....another member used one of those permanent markers for studs on his tractor tires (bennyv I believe )
  4. No matter where in the world we are Pops us BRITS have to stick together :D
  5. More great work Mark looks awesome, that tape idea is a brill one.
  6. panthermodels stock this companies products. Here is their website some cracking stuff that is not on the panther site www.plusmodel.cz
  7. Mine's all done, I am helping a slack friend of mine, it's become a yearly tradition, shop grab a bite to eat and just take the piss out of all the holiday shoppers at the mall :D :D
  8. Marky you really are too much :D :D Not much excitement for me really today, it's very booooooooooring here at work this week. Then I am off out shopping after work.
  9. Lets not split hairs, bricks for the most part are regular. Cheers Smurf for posting it up, I'll print off a sheet and see how it looks.
  10. Thats not too bad shipping wise, cost me $15.00 US to ship the NH Combine to Canada and that tractor is definatley bigger. You have to remember that the size of the package affects shipping costs too not just the weight.
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