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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Nice Tris..........My fav have to be the garbage truck...oer been over here to long sorry dustbin lorry :D :D
  2. What about the Fiat in the white box (Italian Market ) Although a certain ebay member also seems to have one for sale :D :D and also the Valtras in the different colours for the Dutch market
  3. mmmmmm Marston trailer full :D :D :D If you can find the peas they may be bang on they are small than rice crispies and about the right colour too and you get a shed load for a couple of pence I'll try and post a pic of the trailer I have full of them.
  4. I did a quick google search and they are a member of the black eyed pea family.
  5. Probably not hard to make as a convo either \ I think getting the tracks would be the hardest part, maybe one of those machines that Luke has (forgotten the name, made by Siku I think )
  6. Use that lass that Nathan uses on the front of his tractor :D :D :D
  7. I used cow peas for potatoes they look about the right size.
  8. Looks okay to me Tris, will look even better when it's unloading at my farm :D :D
  9. Think all you're missing is an ostrich or deer farm Mike
  10. We should do an FTF kids telly program :D
  11. Aren't they a female group Over here it's directory inquiries :D :D :D :D :D
  12. Blimey Marcus, that has to be the best entry ever!!! Good job no one is in the office currently as I am laughing my head off. Well Done :D :) :)
  13. You could be like Cliff Richard Mart either that or Stephen Lewis from "On the Buses" :D :D
  14. Ifor Williams horsebox good match without having to do much converting compared to the real thing
  15. Wow F-P thats a lot of kit...... If F-P doesn't have it no-one does :D :D www.f-pbay.co.uk :D
  16. Haven't seen seperate components in yonks. Ipod and Bose speakers docking station
  17. You mean you don't have one Nath? I would have thought you'd have had all the versions :D
  18. Cracking OF, (no pun intended) I'll steer clear of the e-z water me thinks. The fencing, soil scenery looks great
  19. Thats looks nice TDH. I like the little plinth it is displayed on as well.
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