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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Don't bother Mark, I don't need one it really isn't that windy here in Windsor :D Looks ace by the way
  2. I believe those bins are the cheap plastic ERTL ones that come with the playsets. Looks like he just spray painted them silver.
  3. Good to hear from you DPH. Display looks AWESOME your best yet. Keep up the good work
  4. Over here we can get wood filler in tubes (cut the nozzle to suit the preffered hole diam). I t comes in lots of colours, thought of using it for some cowpats maybe watered daown it would be okay for splattering on the walls as it has a texture to it \ \ \
  5. Does look good Tris by the way. You need some tall weeds round them posts lad. Britstles from an old paint brush will do the trick
  6. Great journal Tim, laughs a plenty. I don't know about that being Udi Fergimore though looks more like Pops to me :D :D
  7. Just had another shufty at the pics, I wouldn't even bother Tris by the time you get everything back in place it wouldn't make much difference.
  8. They are nice but they haven't killed RC2.....I STILL LIKE MY BRITAINS !!!
  9. Looks good Trisssssssssss. Is that the glue dried then??? If so may just use a small paint brush and a bit of paint to touch it up, but really wouldn't be noticed from a trotting horse.
  10. I don't think they are losing any "battle" I think they are making models that are worthy of collecting but also that kids can play with. UH models certainly are very detailed but could hardly be given to a child as a play toy. Kind of like comparing apples to oranges really.
  11. Very impressive Ricky, they time you have put into them has certainly paid off :P
  12. WOW Mark quite simply WOW Both sheds look amazing, can I borrow your 1:1 to 1:32 shrinking machine :D I think demand that you send that beef shed to me, my angus, herefords and simmentals need some shelter for the winter :)
  13. The fencing looks a belter, get you, you gert flash GIT :D What about a skim coat of plaster Tris then score into it (like you did on the roof for the tiles) Use a wash of water and paint to give and aged effect for the concrete.
  14. Nice work Marcus.......but you need to re-do the story that was cracking :D
  15. Blimey that looks great, what is the casting like compared to the original? were they good to deal with? Cheers Scott
  16. WOW Tim all scales as well very nice. Thanks for the animal pics I spotted some trains there too, another hobby ?
  17. You've got quite the collection there Tim. Surprised to see the turkeys though.........would have thought they'd have been eaten on Thursday :D :D
  18. TBF coughs *** Yes because OOOOOO Ar sounds sane & normal :D
  19. Great pics Tim........ That one on the rippled pond is fantastic. Thatnks for posting and for the info on the deer
  20. I don't think a layout is ever truly finished though...as you progress and your skill level changes I think you adjust things so it's an ongoing project
  21. Yet more great display pics Tim. Are we going to see any 1/32 once winter sets in? Where did you get the deer from (are they close to 1/32 or 1/16 ?)
  22. Awesome Mark, it is really taking shape. There really are some fabulous displays on this forum.
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