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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Option 1: Give the areas a little sand first, then paint with pva glue and then paint with acrylics, then another coat of pva. Will give them a slight sheen like animals should have You may find that the acrylics may not stick to some of the newer glossier paints. In that case you will need to use a primer (I would get an all purpose one for use on oil or acrylic) Then paint as above. Hope that helps. Option 2: Send them to me. And never see them again :D :D :D :D :D
  2. Some nice stuff coming out of the Barrett stables lately
  3. Cracking Tim loving the journals more and more although I could have done without seeing Nath in his thong :D :D
  4. Just incase you were interested BGU, the Pelican (not on a base) isn't Britains, neither is the repainted Giraffe (they did make one though without an articulated neck) or the first monkey. Some more to look out for Penguins (another version like you have) and one with no base Pelican (standing no base) Sable antelope (2 versions) one has removable horns Indian Guar Black Rhino Indian elephant (removeable tusks) African Elephant (bull head up) African Elephant (female trunk down) 2 more chimpanzee babies Adult Chimpanzee (moveable arms) Polar bears (there are two more different version than you have) Tigers (two more different versions also) Lioness (rounded ears) Platypus Nile crocodile (opening mouth) Baby crocodiles (2 versions) Moose Wildebeast Baby Giraffe (on a base walking) Another version of the standing Gorilla Tapir Red deer Polar bear baby (also in brown but very rare) Leopard (available in black rare also) Lion cub (no base) The Walrus, Tortoise and Bison also each have another variation The lion cubs on a base were also painted as baby tigers (I have only ever see one set verrrrry rare) I think that maybe it \ \ \ Oh yeah and most were also available in lead Happy Collecting :P:P:P
  5. Nice collection in there BGU, a couple that I don't have either. Looking at it now I would say there is probably about a 100 different animals to collect, I had forgotten how many there were
  6. I doubt it Mandy, probably just a rename. I also see listed Friesian cattle & Friesian cows each with a different SKU
  7. I hope they aren't Charolais painted in another colour scheme although it would save me from painting more of mine :D :D
  8. Excellent pics Tim, didn't realise you had any snow down your way. We still don't have any
  9. Thanks Mandy I regularly visit your site, some lovely pic and items for sale. When I have some spare cash I'll will be in touch.
  10. Post away BGU some pics would be great. A lot of the zoo animals that were first produced underwent a face lift in the 70's. There are a few but I think 50 different species is getting there
  11. Happy belated birthday to those I missed and happy birthday to those coming up soon seems to be a fair few
  12. Warm here to Tim, but rainy and overcast. No snow as yet but it is supposed to change next week > >. If the amount of rain we have had over the last few weeks was snow we would have had about 4 feet of the stuff by now
  13. Very nice gerbent a conversion to be proud of for sure
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