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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Very nice perhaps UH can take a leaf from your book
  2. Waiting for all the faces to load that were in Sparrowlegs post by Ricky. Do we really need that many :D
  3. Thanks, not all of the pics are mine. I do tend to "borrow" pics from the net. :D Any questions you have I'll be glad to help where I can.
  4. No usually takes a while for members to get through reading all the posts. They'll respond eventually Most on here are Tractor oriented. I collect anything that was made by Britains. Mainly farm and zoo. I have a few ceremonial pieces. Wanting to branch out into some floral garden also to add to the farm
  5. Hi Holly Welcome to the forum, thanks for posting. That is a nice cite you have. I will be in touch at some point to order some figures from you. My collection is extensive but no where near complete. I only collect Britains but am familiar with T&B, Johillco, Crescent etc....
  6. How do you quote a pic anyway 5th pic from the top is what I showed them
  7. I showed this pic around the office and said looks real eh, they said whats not real about, then I showed em a full pic, they were like Oh wow See slow and steady wins the race eh Ben :D
  8. Was last night as I was getting ready to leave work.......our database crashing. I found out this morning all my work I had done yesterday had been lost. > > Damn computers.
  9. CHeers for the info guys, thankfully not something I'll have to worry about though :D
  10. Can I ask a dumb question.........why load them into small boxes if they are going to be dumped into a trailer??? Is it so they don't bruise as much in smaller boxes
  11. OOOOOOOh my god that looks the dogs Tris well done :P
  12. Very nice 4C, we have a lot of those over here of course much bigger usually 18 wheelers
  13. You may want to bring your own mug
  14. He did indeed I caught him looking :D :D
  15. Awesome job Tris..... What set did they come from again? Did you not also get a toolbox with tools? (who were they made by and have you got them done yet ?)
  16. Setting up new accounts, doing some billing........listening to tunes and chatting with friends, reading the forum. Picked up my car from the mechanics hoepfully it's fixed this time \.
  17. They do don't they.............I'll take 2 when you have them finished :D :D
  18. Hi Mark I found a feeder on the net 1/16th scale. The total height is 3.25" x 6" diam. The slot openings are 1" They also had a horse feeder 2.75" x 6" diam slot openings 3/4" All you have to do is divide by 2
  19. http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=11065.0
  20. Sunny at the moment not to bad temp wise, but supposed to cool down and rain later then maybe turn to snow :'( :'( :'(
  21. Very nice Mike, great variety of models. Good to see them on a display instead of being sat in boxes on a shelf
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