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Everything posted by THEBRITFARMER

  1. Just glue the uprights back in place and with the busted side panel it will just give it some added realism. :D
  2. Where is the spelling mistake in the above quote ?
  3. Looking good Marky my boy . Have you thought about lining them with a net then you could use them for onions (or is this not common practice in the farming world???)
  4. Absolutely fantastic Sean, love the stall wall as well!! Nice touch !! Just question though? What are sBoobies :D :D
  5. And some other various food bits http://www.verlinden-productions.com/vp_htm_0601_1200/1005.html
  6. I think those are made by Verlinden. They have quite a few items available in 1/35. http://www.verlinden-productions.com/products.html
  7. Looking good Ben, had to take another look at the flooring though at first glance I thought it was carpet. :D
  8. Well roll me in flour and bake me for 40 minutes, those definately are the business. Well done Marky's mum, give that lass a pie There was a product out that hardened out in the air (think TM mentioned it) It was called DAS, it was an air dry clay. Only downside is you have to paint it. The fimo clay comes in many colours and can be rolled together to make other colours and to get shading effects. When you send me my tattie boxes make sure they are full :)
  9. Is it dated Steve? The circus carousel was made pre-war if my memory serves me right ?
  10. Nice buy there Steve, the animals in the catalogue do they include plastic versions of the lead mould, herald and Britains ? Looks like a cross over catalogue
  11. Fastrac Doc ?? don't know about the rest of it though
  12. Bugger all :'( No inner city farming going on over here :D
  13. Welcome c-mal, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.....just watch out for that Marky Ferguson, he's a bugger :D Just need one of these Deutz and the 4.5 (I think) and my Britains Deutz collection will be complete.
  14. and when you do I'll I have one :D Excellent work
  15. That is truly awesome Sean. The gates look the biz (did you use those cocktail sticks?)
  16. I think the tattie boxes, pallets, barbed wire and humour have more than compensated :D :D
  17. Yes John, they are the NewRay veggie boxes, great lloking collection there.....I think those Bison must have escaped from my farm :D
  18. Looks awesome Marky and only 10p a length.....I'll have a quid's worth then :D
  19. Give her the fishtank Sean...then create an underwater farming scene......best of both worlds ha ha! :D
  20. Looking good Tris, let me know when you are finished mine and I'll pm you my address :D
  21. How about paint a dark golden yellow, then stippling with lighter yellow once the undercoat has dried.
  22. Sounds fair to me F-P, although I think I have seen those laces over here just in the dollar stores. I don't think they are new just given a new name and packaged in a set. Anything to make a buck I guess \ :D
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