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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. The big field behind the house, some may remember the maize from last year, corn from the year before. Took them about a week to clear it, got a little bit steep in places, plenty of revs, reversing up as far as they could before the grip ran out and the odd tow
  2. Hopefully remembered the tractor model right this time Lots of drilling going on and it's impressive how well the drilled crop is starting to come through in places. That's yer lot!
  3. Whoops on the 30/35, been a while since I tock them and didn't look before posting...and I'm not keen on the front lights myself
  4. Last ones of the details....one of my favourite tractors ever.
  5. Part of a display of 40 years of Ford/son
  6. Forgot about these, Bishop's Lydeard Steam Fayre, earlier this year
  7. It must be nearly that time of year again, but I was back last weekend and the farmers are still out with the combines and balers. Potatoes and a bit of silage are currently being harvested as well.
  8. look at that weather....I haven't seen a sky like that since 2006!
  9. Calm down dear Foilage is purely accidental All this wet weather seems to have made the hedges go crazy, the way the gate was positioned in this field ment getting the shots of the tractors approaching on the first circuit ment shooting through the undergrowth around the field entrance.
  10. Thanks again...the 3075 is in the grass thread i posted as well, just in case you missed it
  11. Thanks everyone...hopefully will pop home during the maize season for some more
  12. A few from earlier in the year, still as wet though
  13. Well remembered!, second photo in the first set is that field..funny thing was, those bales were on google earth...good timing!
  14. I'm sure he didn't go hungrey, he was rarely 200m at some point on the pass from his front door, plus he has all these helpers to bring him things
  15. Last photographs of the harvest as I was only home for the weekend....no baling this year :'( Still a good weeks worth of crops to be harvested. Ending with the CX again in a field ...no CR seen this year
  16. ...in the background, a MF32, restarting saturdays abandoned harvest another "thing" in the background ...they leave empty (MF) trailers around the top of the field for the combine...not sure how they empty them (no pictures of that sadly)
  17. Farmers got busy again late on monday afternoon, some didn't...had quite a lot of rain so they were probably waiting another day...like this chap; Have seen this pair out before, usually turning hay Quite a nice bit of the world
  18. Great shots, especially the one taken near dusk.
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