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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. http://www.devonplant.com/catalog/?filtertype=tractors I don't read classy tractors :'(
  2. Must have been built by someone using spare parts, maybe from a fire damaged county \
  3. Wow, some amazing stuff there! Is the snoopy the same one that was sold earlier in the year? there can't be that many knocking around \ That Marshall 100's paint work looks amazing
  4. I wondered if there was such a rule when I saw this new model from JCB;
  5. http://cgi.ebay.at/Traktor-MB-trac-1300-Bruder-Modell_W0QQitemZ280156169415QQcmdZViewItem What scale is that? Doesn't look any good compared to their other models
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Britains-Ford-County-Tractor-Conversion-L-K-RARE_W0QQitemZ300161453847QQihZ020QQcategoryZ117196QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem :o Could nearly have 2 DBP models for that price. Numerous things wrong with it, not least that the side view is photographed on a slant to make it appear level, because there is no way it could be with the axle as it is.
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=250175587840&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=015 these things in general. Watch the prices when the UH version hits the 'shelves'
  8. Saw a new model unimog at the National Grid substation (the one with the MB Trac), didn't have a roll cage \
  9. Think the article in T&M said he was moving to the Caribbean? Do these auctions mind people turning up on viewing days, taking a few snaps and generally looking like they aren't going to buy anything :D
  10. That 2wd must be a bit of a rarity. Nice photos by the way
  11. Yep Its a problem when you post images from just the thumbnails, you have to remember what they are of!
  12. New Holland TM150 and TS115, after the potatos had gone
  13. The Fendt drilling, seen this combination pretty much everywhere Favourite shot, with the big house in the background Up behind our house
  14. Hedgecutting in tandem...nice to see a 8630 out and about
  15. Some ploughing, looks like the mudguard may have seen better days
  16. Things I have seen these last few weeks Bringing the sheep in off the hills The whole setup, from afar. After seeing the trailers go up, I wouldn't fancy the ride down! Airbourne sheep I should think.
  17. Loader is a nice touch, 714 a bit of a step back for siku in my opinion, especially next to the 718.
  18. As with the others, can't wait to see it finished I've been trying to figure out which model the tyres are off?
  19. I haven't seen any that short most around here is approaching cab height
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