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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Trying to contact John Deere. You might as well learn an elephant to use a skipping rope as it would take less time and effort. "Sorry sir but the manager is in a meeting that lasts until friday night." MY GOD has the chap got a fear of making decisions or what? How long does it take him to do his shopping, a month?

    *Think of some words that would appear as *** on here but you know what I mean* ::)

    Oh and to make matters even more annoying you get their marketing manager on the phone (a 12 year old girl) that goes; hi m8 yeh the big men is not in u now. U better off ringin later, you now wha i'm sayin? Yes I do know what you're saying and it's terrible! Oh dear oh dear.

    Sorry about your Deere experience Niels, but that report put a smile on my face! :laugh:

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