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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Nice additional touches to CP Agri. I especially like the view toward the farm along the new power lines.

    Good idea to have a little corner for decontamination as well. You may need a small trough or a tray for feet dipping though, as some numpty will put his foot in the churn! ;)

  2. Attempting to seal the underside of my 3 tap boxes with expanding foam and another expensive sealant, as mains water man is worried about rats burrowing underneath and making a nest ( ??? ). Anyway, the sealant has the look and consistancy of Nutella and is about as equally as effective. Thanks to the severely cramped conditions in the hole I'm getting covered in the stuff, and using the foam applicator is no less messy. To top it all it's about minus 7 outside and beginning to snow! >:(

  3. Our builder/my sometime boss prefers driving the smaller machines, but it's more to do with his love of the intricate nature of the work (smaller project landscaping as oppose to larger excavations) than the comfort of the operation I think.

  4. and they say americas in economic melt down, just goes to prove that the old plops has more money than obama :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: whats that now rick, 5 homes and 3/4 of arizona land wise

    Before scrolling back I thought you were referring to this news: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120125/POLITICS03/201250362/Obama-American-auto-industry-back-?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE

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