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Everything posted by CMB

  1. ;D : http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Massive-Toyota-Hilux-V8-Monster-Truck-c-w-Sound-Light-/260758559452?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cb66bdadc#ht_5420wt_1076
  2. Pete what did you use for the cab glazing? Last year I bought an 1690 4wd/Britains conversion (it doesn't come close to your effort) and want to tart it up a bit. The cab is the weakest part, lacking -as mentioned- glazing; rear lower window, mirrors or beacons. Also can I ask what paint you used as well? (as mine will need touching up at some point). Many thanks!
  3. Modesty -and frankly huge embarrassment- prevents me from taking such a course Ol
  4. Amongst other things too dull to mention, I was cobbling together a makeshift face shield. Later in the afternoon I did a bit of weed spot-spraying using said visor.
  5. You're not alone though Markus, I've been taking Fluoxetine for the past 3 years for depression and it doesn't look to be going away anytime soon (serotonin deficiency I'm told). Keep exercising and working if you can, both really help me.
  6. This is the damage: As you can see it's not too bad, but I was hoping it would be at least several years before these sort of bumps appeared. Tris, just careless driving in the dark. And on his own driveway too Will be calling the insurance people tomorrow. He's very contrite and has offered to pay any repair costs. I've no idea what will be required but I'm sure a replacement door is out of the question... \
  7. Perhaps they need armour plating Gavin! At least it was nothing to do with me this time. No serious damage as it's just a dent in the door where a friend I was babysitting for backed into it on his way out, but I'm feeling more of a draft as I drive along
  8. After having my pickup barely a month, someone has driven into it
  9. Dogs rarely live as long as cats though. I was hearing from a neighbour the other day that their cat recently passed away at 27! :of
  10. Bit peeved by the absence of help/co-operation/friendliness of the staff and other customers at the local tip, such a contrast the the wonderful service and general friendliness I experienced in Devon..
  11. No bell on this one John, or hopper for that matter. Just a case of popping a spud down a tube every 30-50 cm while the tractor idles along. Could have done with some music actually.. And that sounds like a lot of rubble for one JCB to shift, must have taken a fair few hours ! Today, chopping down a line of trees in somebody's garden, and two trips to the recycling centre in my pickup.
  12. Ideal tilling/planting conditions today, but forgot the sunblock:
  13. Britains Land Rover Pick-up bought in Totnes High Street.
  14. Back from a spot of "green-laning" in Devon (in between clearing my late grandad's house before sale), a drive to Cheltenham to have my passport identity interview. Dropped off by the farm to help with spud and onion planting. More on the spud planter tomorrow I hope. Unpaid, but I love it
  15. Today in Gloucestershire, a few, but only remember the one I photographed, a MF 6480 Dynashift dragging a 5-furrow reversible Lemkin plough in-furrow with -fairly common around here- slatted mouldboards. Back in Devon, loads, but I can only remember the few I snapped and some others: 2 big John Deeres with Rolland 175 spreaders Massey 6465 with Mashall trailer, similar MF and orange folding harrow, possible Lamborghini with a Grays front loader, NH 6640 with (I think) a dowdeswell plough, NH 7840 and yellow roller, Chinese YTO tractor and Mashall spreader, Ford 4600 with straw chopper, Ford 4000 transport box, NH TL100A, Ford 7610 with Quicke 340 loader, Marshall ST1400 slurry tanker.
  16. Well it started last night, arrived back from Devon to find the power out! . Called EDF and was told the main fuse had blown, so nothing we could have done. He fixed it for free though, which was nice.
  17. Heading down to Devon to further clear my late grandad's property, now that it has an offer.
  18. Some wonderfully detailed layouts there Tris, thanks for sharing. And is that a hot air balloon I see being inflated in pic 783? \ Love the tractor rally behind it, and 1:48(?) foraging scene on the hill in another layout. How many of the setups were by ftf and non-ftf members, does anyone know?
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