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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Finding out that another load of coursework has to be in tomorow and i got vintage meeting soon until about 10, so i probably will make up some excuse \
  2. Gives us a brake from it anyway
  3. Been quite a nice mild day today
  4. Drove into bottom field with sj, found 2 hares sat there, they bolted, i downshifted then drove after them, got up to 30 and the hare must have been doing 40 :D then he went through a gap in the hedge i went through the gate but i lost him \ good laugh though, dog was going mental :D
  5. Great little scene Murray , ploughing look very tidy to
  6. Great pics Mart subscribed to your youtube to
  7. It looks nice , out of intrest.. how much were they going for on that website? standard 5455 price or extra cost
  8. Apparently its lucky if a bird cr@ps on you :D did you buy a lottery ticket in case Kev?
  9. Thats not * on mate , people like that need to be sorted out edited for potential swearing
  10. Cold and windy here, nice sun today though
  11. We grabbed my mates bag and stuffed it full of toilet paper and put a bin in it :D he didnt notice (i hope) :D
  12. Looks very nice mate , what you going to use for drain pipes
  13. Today... err went to get trailer from a neighbours house with the old hatsu (i wasnt driving) , then went to have a tidy up around the house, picked up rubbish etc, then took engine out of Aleds quad and dranied the oil out
  14. She looks a very original tractor , many hours on her Paul?
  15. JD3140 with 10 ton collins trailer, TSA135 that was whistling like a b*stard with a trailer full of straw , 7840 with 4 ton trailer, MF handler, MF 135 , TS115 with loader
  16. Full steel drum of hydrolic oil fell off the bench bounced and hit my knee :'(
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