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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Went to the mechanics today, got the 135 in ready to split, took injecters off, blew out what we thought was water but it was inface diesel that had leaked in from the heater plug from been stood idle for a while, carted a 4 tonne load of chippins with a 7840 (the SLE is a nice gearbox) , had a go on a hire CAT 13 tonne vibrating roller then came home
  2. Im looking forward to ths show a lot will be nice to meet other FTF'ers, to see some awesome models, convos, buildings And dont worry, i WILL NOT get the day wrong :D
  3. Looks nice Simon, dont go giving me a numpty if you've said.. but do you have underfloor heating with that? we know someone who does, and he thinks the world of it, heats the room right through and nice on your feet
  4. Great Luke nice to see it done in 64th for a change to , you must have steady hands
  5. Very nice , did you get the idea from the Farmmodels.net one? http://farmmodels.net/august07/galleryone/slides/z2.JPG
  6. Very nice are they popular in Holland then? never seen one around here
  7. Axion like that next door to school, they do sound nice great pics
  8. My dog chewed Dads drivers license up , ever seen a jack russell with boot marks on his @rse? :D
  9. Did you see the Cefn Gwlad they did a while back on him? it went through the seasons, he's got about 20 drivers silage time
  10. Undetectable by the 1/32 collectors radar's is it :D
  11. Maybe it is a hoax to get us all wondering about the 7580, when it might be like a 6490 or something doubt it... just thinking though, feel free to criticise
  12. Very nice , il have to second Luke on that field shot to
  13. Not his fault mate , if he clicked on it, it automatically send it to evryone on his contacts list and then it logs him off, he cant help it \
  14. Or it may be poisonous to little kids or it may have to pass the hygiene from some EU law \
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