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Everything posted by DPH

  1. We've been making levees in our old soybean ground. Got the stx hooked to the big levee plow, the 4450 is with its blades to help build up low spots. Fueling up the 9220 Repairing some berings on the disk. Making those levees. Questions/Comments welcome.
  2. I took a jd ertl wing disk and modified it to look more like the real thing. The real thing
  3. Im there, but you all know where im at.
  4. I've seen some on toytalk do that. They find coffee cans work well. I know stiegerfan on here used some coffee cans for his bins.
  5. No the bins were made by standi, heres a pic of them put back together.
  6. I bought some foam board and some kitty litter, finally some green felt and let my imagination run wild, the result is my new homestead. As you can see i need to put my grain leg back together, doesn't like to be moved I plan to keep the area around the bin system white until i get all of my bins and the whole system is up.
  7. nice pics. the board used to expand for bigger pics, don't know what happened.
  8. Heres some pics of us lazer leveling. Mjb1 has seen these on tt already. First we disk. Then we pass the scraper to flatten the levees so we can use the dirt from them. The angle blade makes the drop off more prominent where the levee goes. Then the 30' waterleveler is used with the lazer to level the soil. Here the 9220 does that.
  9. Just wanted to see what everyone grows on their model farms. I actually have 3 displays Hinton Farms (Main Display)-3000 acres 2000 acres this year were dedicated to rice- doubled 200 for crawfish 1000 acres were soybeans Mike Lafler Farm (Small Rice/Crawfish farm)-1200 acres 950 acres rice- about 400 doubled with crawfish 250 acres of soybeans John Lafler Farm (Small Scale Cotton/Milo Farm)- 1100 acres 500 acres milo 600 acres cotton *350 acres double cropped wheat from the milo land* *The double crop wheat was only a quick recouperation idea to make up for the loss of 300 acres of cotton due to Hurricane Rita* So what do you guys grow.
  10. not bad, i like the packer and disk.
  11. very nice, what do you grow?
  12. yeah, i just posted some exclusive to you guys also.
  13. These are pics that i haven't posted to ToyTractorTimes, these are exclusive to you guys. I made these with my smaller rice farm display. This is top-crop rice harvest. The fields have been drained, but we don't have enough time before the rainy season to let them dry completely. We end up leaving ruts and sometimes do get stuck. The Versatile 750 is working the rayne grain cart and the Cts with duals is cutting.
  14. Just some pics of us lazer leveling one of our fields. Had some probs with the stx breaking down. The stx after it blew the drive shaft. Unhooking the disk to pull the stx with the 9270 Lazer leveling. Fixing the combine for the top-crop rice harvest. After we cut our first few fields of rice in August, we reflood it to have the rice heads grow back. During this harvest, usually during November, the conditions are extremely muddy, so we want the combine to be ready.
  15. Glad im not alone OH MY GOD WE'RE OFF TOPIC AGAIN..........................HI,HO, HI, HO..... .......HERE THEY COME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I'll take your word for it......................even though i couldn't understand most of it.
  17. Boy i understood that word "moonshine", the rest is a little blury to me. Telegraph poles? These are power poles and telephone poles. Do you have a telegraph in every home?
  18. DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. nice now all you need is some tilliage equipment.
  20. Your farm is so awesome. What is that yellow tractor with the front duals.
  21. That is a great looking farm. Great detail.
  22. i made them out of dowels and small popsicle sticks i found at walmart at about 2 am while waiting for a friend to get off for lunch. ?Amazing what a little sleep deprivation can do ha ha!
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