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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. yes, the early 200 series balers were rubbish until they were replaced with the 1,2,3 & 4 balers these were better as they had new holland knotters on them
  2. considering the other conversions of the 7810 tractor on here , the distance from the rear arches to the tyres is nothing to worry about
  3. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    i found the standen stuff pretty straight forward kit to use gav , both the statesman & statesman 2, the only problems i came across was from the chaps on the picking table at the rear, every time i keyed the mike on the CB the rear elevator would double it's speed , which really narked the pickers off :D the only other niggly thing i had was the auto re-set for the steering on the harvester axle was a bit vague at the best of times. \
  4. hurmph , you build some serious quality stuff dan , just wish i could afford those titans you built a while back
  5. doesnt look big enough to be a 695 mega luke , maybe a 680 ?
  6. MJB1

    CB Help

    honestly Will , go for cheap & cheerfull , i have one in my truck & it works a treat got it hooked upto a ciggarette lighter plug , so it can effectively be moved if i want , but wired in would be better , yeah the old names are the better makes , but are hard to come by & not as small as some & also carry loads of stuff you wont need. want a sprung arial 2.5 ft on a mag mount , that way the trees will brush the whole thing off rather than snap the whole thing off position ? seen lots on the cab roof , but also had one mag mount on the front of the bonnet , even fixed to the bonnet. tractors are bad for vibration & have gone through a few CB's thatway also , dust doesnt do them much good either last set i bought cost me £60, new mag & areal cost £30, £90 for the lot & i was off , £90 lot of money ? a one off cost for a few of the main tractors , but against the cost of mobile phone bills, very good when you consider that you are in constant touch with the people you're working with at anytime of the day , all day long if you want to
  7. you think ? :D we knew a while back maybe a name change to trailerman01 is in order . seriously dan you seem to be gifted for these type of builds
  8. MJB1

    County 1172

    fantastic pic stan , a rareity wether its a genuine build or not doesnt look half bad either :) just like the chap in CT who put 6cyl perkins into DB's i wonder if maybe some of these hybids were done as a bit more than one offs ? are there any 6cyl engines rigged up to 7610's pre 7810 era ?
  9. got a set a few years back from tm810 nigel , i think they were ordered from henri walker
  10. thanks for the link ksp , some really good pics in there , still odd to see their silage / maize storage out in fields like that
  11. very tidy mate is it really worth touching ? or just the urge to drive something shiney
  12. you still havn't posted a pic ? is it diesel or petrol tvo ? 35 or 35x ? 3cyl or 4cyl ? age ? as long as everythings where it should be the power washer should be fine if its a petrol tvo just dont spend too much time washing around the electrical parts
  13. 450 units & over 1000 trailers ,often see them all parked up in the services at the end of the M4, looks like a drivers convention in by the coffee machine & the little old lady behind the counter shouting at them all to 'move those bloody lorries off the forecourt ' , funny to see her face when 8 of them move off , only to be followed in by 8 more & usually another 8 behind them :D , really ought to get a pic of them
  14. not today but during the week i saw two massey ferguson 410's working together in a field , one mowing & one haybobing a class lexion combining just outside port talbot !
  15. as regarding the hitch mate , T bar type hitches are quite hard to come by , but & it's a big but , a 135 auto hitch linkage may just fit if yer not picky about it staying genuine
  16. well done jez all looks well when it's all together i think we've all had ideas about the britains shed garret, even Warner Hall, the chap who designed them said he had bigger ideas for them, he wanted them modular , so that different variations of the farm shed could be made or extended, with various attatchments, such as doors & windows , unfortunately britains thought it was good enough as it was & didnt persue the idea any further
  17. d'ya know jez i was only looking at some mesh the other day , thinking , if i were to......... looks like it works then ! well done mate looks cracking
  18. catweazle , i think it would be worth your while looking through BGU's 35 topic , he's had a lot of usefull information about his 35 there,you may be able to get an idea of what you need
  19. the only trailers that can be towed from a 9 hole drawbar is a 4wheel trailer , to tow a 'normal' type trailer you'll need an auto hitch or a fixed drawbar
  20. stranger things may have happened i know stephen , but if the solids could be dried , ground & pelleted , you could sell it to golf courses ,
  21. forgot i had these braggs 936 & the newer 820 which replaced a 716
  22. well going to try to start to clean up & tidy my picture files on the pc , massey ,ford ,etc to be sorted into files , got pics scattered everywhere
  23. not quite sure how stephens works , but I'll give you a rough idea how the ones at work worked \ slurry is pumped from the store up to the separator , the separator we had consisted of a a surface approx 4ft long x 2ft wide, the slurry was pumped onto the surface the surface had a constantly moving fine nylon mesh set up like a conveyor at the far end of the conveyor was a set of rollers that were spring loaded the wet slurry was spread on the conveyor would then be moved along to the rollers where they would squeeze the water out ,which would then be piped back to the store the solid residue would then be scraped off the mesh onto the chute into the trailer all in all it's basically a giant mangle i wonder if head chief numty deserves an award for spelling
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