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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. looking tidy nick , i take it the cab will have new cladding as well. these old DB /CASE tractors are great workhorses & very much overlooked on the second hand market which make them very good buy's indeed
  2. nice updates mark , i was worried that like other busy people , she'd be sat in the corner of the yard for a while while you wondered just what you wanted to do with it ! as i have said to kev , if she was beat about , i'd spend the time to restore her but she's far too straight to be messed with & adding new parts is all part of the 'genuine article' . after all how many still in their workclothes & still working dont have new parts to keep them running ? not many i bet . a little 2 furrow plough will look great behind her , then maybe your daughter can teach you how to plough again nice update mate
  3. sean if it's already wet then there's not much point in sheding it till it's dry mate . in canada they leave huge heaps of grain outside when it rains the top grains get wet start to germinate & the new roots create a waterproof cap about 2'3 inches thick, the loss of the 'cap' grains far outweigh the price of dry storage for short periods . then the heap is processed when they have the room for it , it also saves time when the drying /strage facilities cant keep up with the combine . i expect you can remember the few piles of spilt grain on the farm , & when you took the germinated tops off, dry grain could be found underneath as for mark tipping outside maybe he just couldn't remember the way back to the farm ........................ .................................................................................... after all that is tesco's carpark ;D
  4. that friendship may become a little strained if the spearhead trimmer reputation is anything to go by , quite a few contractors down this way have had them , most hare now back to either McConnell or Bomford machines & i think that says a lot i think sparrowlegs has had both , why not drop him a pm, although his spearhead gives him more trouble than his old McConnel did i think
  5. havent got a clue mate , i remember delivering to quite a few but not got any specific unit in mind
  6. ah it's great mate , the working field is open to all comers from the real proper ploughmen to people who've never done it before , i saw a ford 3000 doing a really nice job of ploughing along side a chap on a farmall that had nearly 2 ft of untouched stubble between his current run & his last pass ! it didn't matter though as you then had the people with cultivators & disc's going over the lot anyway brilliant way to spend the weekend . just make sure you take plenty of pics to show us :)
  7. well jordan just to be different , i'd like to see a 150 acre sheep dairy theres one in devon & they make their own delicious ice cream & is a very sustainable diversion from the cows they used to milk.
  8. it was for fuel bill , i topped the tractor up with it on saturday morning but didn't know what to do with it , so i tied it up to the cultivator , else i'd have put it down somewhere & forgot to pick it back up again
  9. nice tim , yeah it did sound nice although in typical woman style all in a rush, she couldn't possibly plough up to the marked furrow unfortunately the organisers of yesterdays farming have fallen out with the landowner over what seems like 2.5 acres of grassland that the farmer has rented out for someones cows . so they've decided to move the event about 25 miles up the road , so i don't know about tim , but i don't think the 168 will be travelling that far unless a low loader & a caravan can be found
  10. hmm..................................................... as is a tractor & loader & a bank account it would seem \
  11. it's not the taking off that causes a problem colm ;D it's the putting it back on again thats the slowing the lords progress
  12. been playing with the 168 the past few days & most of the pictures are on the farm shows topic , but here's a few from the yestedays farming weekend even had a dynometer at the show & tim & i decided just to see what sort of power our tractors were throwing out the book rates the 168 as 68 HP max engine HP but only 59.4 HP at the shaft, mine threw out 51 HP so im 8.4 HP down the book rates tims 590 as 79 HP max engine HP but only 67.7 HP at the shaft, Tim's threw out 61HP so he's 6.7 HP down not bad considering their ages
  13. nice update mate , have to tell yer nephew , that the old tractors are proper tractors was the topper really too heavy ? i'm surprised it looked just right !
  14. well my day didn't stop at dillington , as we were on our way home , i came across an elderly mature lady who'd accidentally hit her brakes which wern't latched together & went into the ditch , she didn't know what diff lock is so i managed to get the old timer out & ready to go again she was so gratefull that i'd managed it & aksed if i'd been to yesterdays farming , of which i replied yes , she said , 'ohh i'd have loved to have taken this one but have horse paddocks to top , ............that & it'd take me 2 days to get there ,......i only drive it on tickover & 2mph isn't that fast !'
  15. nice pics mark , hope you kept those windows closed in all that dust ! have fun putting the loader back on , you must have it down to the hour mark now mate
  16. few of me & tim having a play there was a dyno on site & for £2 pound we could test our tractors , not great results but given the age of the tractor i'm not that worried
  17. nice county super 6 straight stainless exhaust on the 78 big power TW35 tidy 188 but not keen on the cut mudguards to accomadate the oversized 16.9/38 tyres lovely 3065 dull looking 290 & 80 loader
  18. pretty much as they'd expect them to be i suspect mark !
  19. pictures from 21.8.10 rather professional but dull plum coloured 65 ? class winning muir hill 121 lovely 1210 trio of red DB's V12 powered 1690 3 immaculate roadless tractors
  20. been a while since i had this view from the cab of a 590 going back to allis's topic way back when , just like wagon wheels , the cab seems so much smaller when you grow up ! although looking at thomas riding up with tim i thought , hmm , spent many an hour riding up there banging me head !
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