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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. Well johny lets just say if you feel the need to go on holiday , sandy will be more than welcome to sit beside my 168 for a few weeks :)
  2. hery you go unk Frogshole farm http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,14568.0.html Ingleview http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,28092.0.html
  3. good comment denis, i think it's been said before about cabs on refurbished & rebuilt tractors but i suppose it's all down to individual taste . i see a fair few cabless 165 & 168's at shows & although many 165's were cabless in the early days the UK spec 168 was never sold cabless so think it's a shame to see them not fitted . As for johny's 165 i like to see the cab on , but it's his choice & i still like to see it ,the rebuild bit is more a refurbished to look as good as it can get, i dont thing johny was going for a concours finish. johny's 165 is a bit oddball anyway denis as it has the later 212 engine with MF65 type backend but it still looks pretty fantastic anyway keep the pictures comong johny :)
  4. yeah she does get a bit excited when she cooks
  5. remember the snack she rustled up do you mate tris & mark didn't do too bad either
  6. well mads is going to give breakfast in bed whist wearing a french maids outfit with a touch of personal room service with a double helping on offer .....................fnar,fnar :P she might even fluff yer pillows
  7. as good as sandy looks without the cab as she does with mate , but i quite liked the cab , albeit without the michelin men
  8. just as you replied , mad said i daresay mark can use one of the spare rooms here ! you're in demand mark ! will see if mjb1's mummy will up the stakes , as shes only in the village next to dillington park !
  9. err.......... think you may want a flat bed transit & trailer as you'll have a cultivator going back with you , unless of course you take it back the weekend of octobers toytrac
  10. nice even though it is the other team, havent seen that about yet , a delivery for you mate ?
  11. will have a look see later will the 240 be making an appearance m'lud ?
  12. got to get these bl00dy horses sorted first i hope he's not colm would have been nice sean , but i heard tim is suffering from steering failure i don't think his 590 is much better off either i hear you brother, i hear you we wait in anticipation for the coming of the lord ;D ;D
  13. at weatherheads or while you were out & about , love finding things that siut the job you need them for
  14. not sure bill i very rarely get flat out ,no point in raceing the old bus , but on the old tyres mad followed me at about 18mph , so with these tyres on i reckon i'm about 20 - 22 mph. years back it'd be either flat out or stop , but now i'm happy to toddle along at half throttle no better feeling indeed mark, even rob said he'd liked to have spent the rest of the day doing the rest of the field , i think he's hooked as well
  15. even managed to get a few vid clips , not great quality as it was done on my phone , but you'll get the gist frist two of the dutch harrows rob with the chaintrain road home
  16. well after sorting out the paunching at bill's a neighbour asked if i could sort theirs as well , so yesterday was a decent oppertunity to have a go at it & seeing as rob (stepson to be oneday) had a day off he came out to give me a hand as it's all trailed & bl00dy heavy to lift about we got there set it up but just looking at the ground i knew it wasn't going to be a 5 minute job , bills paddocks were still holding a bit of moisture , this paddock wasn't & the ground was hard. As i wondered what to do next, as was making little difference to the field , i let rob try his hand , he's not done much tractor work before , ......well that & i had a cuppa tea waiting a cup of tea does the world of good & i knew that fellow forum member tractortim was at home..ish so decided to see if i could borrow something a bit more substantial, so tim was about to unhitch his trimmer & was good enough to meet me half way for a meet up & implement change back at the field (once we had taken the gate post out ) i set the dutch harrows to just tickle the top couple of inches & had a good few passes to get the worst of it out ,although still too hard to shatter into seedbed standard it went down better than i thought & after crossing it a few times it was as good as it was ever going to be, so the chain harrows were bought out to finish it , the next job really is to roll it when they get hold of a roller but as it is now at least you can walk across it with out breaking your ankle [img alt=]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/smiley.gif all done & the neighbours are really happy that the area worked down looks tidy & sensible to use , on some places even the horsed looked uncomfortable walking across it , so job well done , must say many thanks to Tim & appreciate the loan of the dutch harrows. (Tim i dropped them back at mikes & he was mowing , round the round bale stack , stopped for a chat & caught up on the last 12 years ! 1998 was the last time i did his silage [img alt=]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/shocked.gif )
  17. look forward to this what with lee's compitition entry as well good start mate
  18. some nice buys paul , like the agrisem subsoilser & that chaser looks huge , whats the supposed capacity meant to be , oh yeah whens the yellow combine being swapped for a red one ?
  19. really nice find tris ,you must be chuffed as nuts with that i never did go in for the 'set' purchase's so i think i missed out on quite a few things , really like the colour if the truck , not seen one like that before , what's the next on the childhood wish list ?
  20. MJB1

    Tim's work

    i worked on a fram that grew beetroot on contract to cow & gate, the baby food people , very exacting standards with specific quantity & brands of fertilizer & sprays to be used. are your beets contract grown or harvested & sold wholesale ?
  21. you at home today then mate ? well i'm off to do some chain harrowing / leveling for someone at curland a bit later so might pop round after that for a visit also got word that there's a tractor show ? at tatworth on the 6th of next month. if yer bored you could always have a jolly in the 590 & bring the spreader over to staple or i'll meet you half way at hatch beauchamp trouble is we still got horses in the fields so don't know when we can spread yet
  22. ah richard parris ? Adams, that's the chap, that field's a fair way from his farm though ? no i spose not if you come down past the rspca centre who on earth has a tractor that big in beerecrocombe ? does that mean tony's swapped the JD & loader in then ?........really must drop in on him sometime never know he might offer me a job again :) phut,phut,phut,phut will ring you later about a dungspreader mate
  23. redrock have been popular for a fair while round here tris , mainly contractors though & a few of the bigger farms , i saw a few hauling dung last weekend heaped right up , they seem to take the punishment better than the AW's & richard westerns ,especially with the silage sides on ! don't know who the dealers are but Mole Valley used to deal them years back when they were the 'new' trailer in town tim who's the local farmer silageing ? johnsons ? & as for the people over by woodlands i used to deliver to them but the name escapes me over from west hatch , didn't know they had big massey though the NH with sprayer looks like tony's but probably not & is that a feeder box on the back of mikes JD :of what happened to the little phut phut dumper he used to manually fork silage into
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