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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. :D :D was going to put the wheels from the ros model onto a 362 but i've buggered the wheels up \
  2. i see the cheque arrived marky :D :D as for whats next ,you know what i was going to attempt but my cackhandedness sort of put a stop on that \
  3. stroke of luck finding that hedge in a black box nath , oh & yer flails need sharpening by the looks of the job it's done nice looking massey nath did you modify it yerself ? & that trimmer looks the part ,is it easily detatched ? & is a wider head available ? very nice set that :)
  4. back a few years now i jumped into a big valmet at the time & found myself sitting in an MF 3000 series cab. the 3680 & 3690 used sisu engines for their big masseys & cheaper than designing a big tractor for themselves valmet took the two big 36's & changed the bodystyling completely
  5. after buying the centaur 6000 i didn't think the coopers would see the light of day again \
  6. thanks IM885 yeah, a real shame as it would've made a great model
  7. TM i did the front window with a peice of laminated plastic & the rear window from an old tic-tac box as the folds were already there ! it just needed trimming ,it's a bit wider than i'd like but it works . the best thing obout using the old floor -pan is that the whole cab comes off just like before here's some pics :
  8. blimey if i had one of them i'd be cutting square bales from insulation board ,foam, & polystyrene like there was no tomorow then giving them to you lot i spect , just like marky does :D
  9. well if i do try the 362 option i'll be sure to post it , i just wish i could get the finish to be as good as 1972F's stuff \
  10. for the sake of ?6.50 it'd be just as cheap to get sean to do one for you ,that way your collection stays safe . i think i may try putting the wheels from whats left of the ROS onto a 362 if they'll fit
  11. well as you all know britains went cheap on the 3680 by using the 2000series cab & floor-pan . i've now changed this by doing what TM810's done & fitted a 3000 series cab from a ROS 3070 tractor ,i've still got windows & to black the wings to do but it doesn't look too bad .
  12. not likely sean , i don't buy UH stuff ,as i can't justify the cost, britains & siku are the only ones i'll collect ,although there is the cheap New-Ray combine based on the class combine ,all it would need is a respray
  13. the phrase "as wide as it is long "springs to mind can the headers not be removed for transport then ?
  14. MJB1

    Staunch old school MF

    what a set up fp ,that really does look good :) thats the air cleaner on the 27 i was talking about marky
  15. very few about nowadays F-P good for the brewery i spect as it's nigh on impossible to overload the front axle ,but is very poor for steering , the last one i saw belonged to Haines transport ,a light blue ERF e series ,up round evesham / tewksbury area you'll have to forgive any spelling mistakes this evening as got a pig of a cold streaming eyes ,nose, sore throat the works ,so i'm doused up with lemsip,lockets, tunes,soothers etc ,etc
  16. i think that by the time the 3065 came out most people had already got the 3060 or 3070 as for heartache ? ,no ,no heartache there mate .better to be without the tractor than still know him.
  17. hope you've got flood cover on yer insurance sean as i'm dribbling like a good'un here
  18. i know haw you feel mate you start to itch to get going & when yer half way through you wish it would hurry up & end but then doing long hours & lack of sleep zaps any enthusiasm you had when you started the season \ :) i still wish i was doing it though
  19. it's not you powerstar i'm trying to resize it to a sensible size for viewing without having to have to scroll everywhere to see it all
  20. here's a pic of the 3065 i had a 1/2 share in if things had worked out differently with my so called mate i might still of owned it \
  21. is it just the 165,175 & the 35 hiding in there smurf ? or have you got another bramble patch to clear ?
  22. stand at the back ? not me F-P if i got the money i don't mind buying a round at all although i can smoke 20 a day & not buy a pack :D :D
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