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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. thats it, both sheds are now finished the roof cladding is the same as the other but in it's original colour
  2. i spect it was built for the for the euro market as was the 884xl originally
  3. just watch out you don't get abag of carrots instead :D
  4. it's not just the patience 'it's the time to do it .the cost & having somewhere to do it without having to pack it away again.
  5. oh deer ,ithink i'll stick to the MDF as that sort of thing is well out of my leauge . well done deer-est looking good :)
  6. sean i'm having trouble with my e-mail hope you get then ,else i'll try later
  7. scanned ?britains shed cladding ,photoshoped the colour to green ?by adjusting the hue i'll e-mail you a sample
  8. i do like the sheds you do but havn't got the time of patience for it
  9. don't even go there \ we started repapreing the hall & landing last november & one year on it's still not finished \ \ well you've got 9months headstart then :D :D
  10. got one finished ,next one to do finish now will be the same but will definately have the breeze-block finish
  11. also got some red roof tiles but havn't scanned them in yet. the grey is the only natural stone paper i've seen which is a shame as most buildings round here are either sandstone ,hamstone or blue-lias.
  12. MJB1

    field beans

    you'll get over it :D
  13. MJB1

    field beans

    got to tell him of all the money he'd save on fuel ,wear'n'ntear on the plough & see it as an investment not an expense
  14. MJB1

    field beans

    yeah but once you got it ,there'd be less agrivation for you & a quicker turn-round than having to plough ?i used to broadcast them on then use dutch-harrows to level them in but instead of a crumbler roller behind we had a roller made from flat tyres to firm them in
  15. yes ,i bought some years ago & put it on a barn but havn't seen any since till i read a post on here (FB i think) so i got the old barn out & put it on the scanner, then photoshop cloned a full page ,seems ok i recon ,i may do the next one with a breeze block effect next just so the boys knows who's is who's. but the ones i do for myself will probably be like this.
  16. MJB1

    field beans

    once saw a converted MF 30 / 130? direct drill adapted to drill beans straight into disced stubble might of been power farming it was that long ago
  17. nearly done the wall pattern paper is still wet & bubbly but will flatten when dry,will do the inside tomorrow & the roof cladding patern, the wall pattern? is posted somewhere else on the site . :)
  18. best glue i ever bought was at a car boot sale 50 little yellow bottles of the stuff for ?1 :) never seen the stuff since
  19. when sheds are done i will post a pic of it in the shed thanks again F-P :) :)
  20. just got a lolly stick to get the spacings then used a saw . I have used this method before when making sheds from left over laminate flooring & it looked ok but i had a band saw then so this was a bit more time consuming. tempted to get some at focus this morning but at ?6.75p for a six ft length it was a bit too pricey,so will use some 15x15mm from the leftovers from the consevatory it ain't going to look pretty but i doubt the kids will notice
  21. time we got one of them cabs on a ford tractor ! come on F-P give it a go ,please ? :) :)
  22. i may yet have to put something in the corners to give it a bit of strength as i'm not planning to put them on a base. unfortunately this is the only thickness i've got so maynot be as strong as i'd like but only time will tell. If these work out ok then i might start some of my own rather than use theirs !
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