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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. :D :D off to buy a PS2 for the boys now
  2. if it tipped the other way it would make a great model
  3. NH2 get a grip a 135 fergie could pull it around for show ,doesn't mean it could actually plough with it i spect that would be done with a FENDT or MF :D
  4. i recon F-P should make an artic steer hook-loader forager :)
  5. good start would be a tractor & a bar :) although a pic would be helpfull
  6. if they were cast they might well be wheel weights ,lot of strange designs in the early years
  7. yeah but not really what you'd want to roll a pit with really are they ! the pic of the valmet forageing ? i once rolled apit with that using narrow spray wheels , once the pit was level enough the compaction was great !
  8. check out these beet harvesters especially the yellow one :) http://www.agmachinery.proboards1.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1129297063
  9. if the DB was a rehashed ERTL it probably started it's life in green & white as an OLIVER
  10. it's.............................um........................... very............ ...........erm...............................well..................sort of ....................ah..........................GOLD well done dave :)
  11. keep that bottle corked gavin as i can't get to the attic to check :D
  12. i meant FP as in FENDT POWER :D
  13. like the 930 style you mean ? I thought either FP or old ford had one
  14. MJB1

    claas xerion

    BIB for F-P please :D :D
  15. MJB1

    claas xerion

    here's a link to a claas xerion working ,& it's a beastie :) http://www.agmachinery.proboards1.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1128679572
  16. remember to have your camera ready ,as if it's a digital camera & it's moved around too fast, the screen will freeze as it wll try to take too much information trying to find a focus point & if this happens the subject will have gone before the camera resets it's self
  17. best way to get a good action pic PQ is to follow the tractor in the view finder & keep following it once you've taken the pic as then only the wheels & background come out blurred & not the tractor it's self good pic though :)
  18. going afew years back wheni was a nipper (7-8 yrs old ?) me and my grandad witnesed a 995with front loader & rotorvator rolling a pit when it got stuck in reverse ?& went off the end of the pit,the rotorvator got stuck in a load of scrap metal & stayed upright just swaying to an fro, also saw a deutz 470 slide down the pit braceing posts. ?
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