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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. Is smurf really famous ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,gosh Im so starstruck i`ve gone all embarrased & lost for words Although your farm has had rave reveiws
  2. The majority of my tractors & implements date from 70s uptill the late 80s ,early90s although there are a few modern tractors starting to creep in .95% are britains built with a token offering from ertl. But the main collection are tractors i was familliar with as i was either growing up or have actually used. It would be good to release some retro models of some that wern`t available .I personally would like a few David Brown 90-Case 94 series models to become available . thank you for your time. MJB1
  3. If the 1884 were to be re-released & look genuine then apart from being blue the cab roof would also have to be changed for a bubble cab type as ive never seen a real SQ cabbed roof version .
  4. havn`t got a jcb junior , so it`s going to be built from whatever i can convert ,steal or make from whatevers at hand ,thing is as the wife doesn`t work during the day & i work nights so i`ve very little time to spend on it !
  5. MJB1

    XL & CX

    nice calves in a nice shed !
  6. you mean so that it twists as well as turns fp ? Well like i said it was knocked up in an hour/houran half so there still work to be done,as & when time allows but it`s a start !Gona have to start saving for that cab & grill you got. It will only be the decals & plastics that let it down as it`ll all be resprayed at some time
  7. All in good time. Would be unlikely ! yes o/s rear when turning right & probably n/s rear when turning left ! :D Artics don`t have 'pins' they have shafts at the pivot points ! Not on your nelly ! But seeing as its you i`ll send you a preveiw before it`s posted? you`ve changed bestist bud, i thought you & i were friends but now i feel cheep & used ! Good god you`re a hard audience to work tonight !
  8. I don`t really know much about pigs as there were 2 pigmen on the farm i was on all i did was to empty the sh^t pits every fortnight, but they were using a wet feed system ;fill trough with water & then a couple of scoops from the barrow, so 1 had a gravity feed into the shed and the other bin supplied 2 sheds with both gravity straight into a hopper for wet feeding & the flexi-auger into a hopper for timed diet feeding.
  9. Only the buyers of silver jubilee 7810s were given these models I don`t think it has the registration on it but it does have the build No. of the tractor that they bought on it somewhere.
  10. If yoy look closly one of them is covered with super glue it was fitted with a britains front linkage which i used to hitch a superflow onto, for sludge injection perposes.
  11. While i was going through me box 'o' bits i found some big wheels for my tankers. When i bought these they were being released with the britains lorry wheels on & they never did look right. Am i right in thinking they were later released with turf type tyres from the big wheeled loaders ?
  12. The cab ,grill & exhaust & pre-cleaner wre borrowed from the other 7710 so it`s not going to be complete for a while but when it is i`ll post the results so far so good fp ? not quite your standard i know but i`m trying ,as you can see no blu-tack to be seen ! :D
  13. when i`ve got the time & money i`ll rub the tank down for a respray in white & the complete tractor & trailer chassis in blue, maybe at a later date i`ll fit some LGP tyres as well.
  14. OI ! fp that bloody gauntlet hurt try a silk glove next time will you ! Well, had a spare hour to day so i made a start ,i did look at using an old Alfa Laval tanker but as i`ve only got the one in mint condition it seemed a shame to break it up so i have gone for the bauer tanker option as i`ve got 3 of them ,once the drawbar was shortened it didn`t look too bad so this is how it looks so far................................................................
  15. No i couldn`t bear to go back to many stars'n'stripes for my liking if ya git ma drift ! \ PHUT DING :D :D
  16. No not back til friday now, aye see you on the morrow nighty night
  17. I made a modelfarm for fp jnr about 8-9 years back using mdf covered with the paper used for dolls houses, he still has them all in one piece. dunno about the sheds but my kids will be lucky to last 8-9 year the way they`re going ! Swap my kids for your sheds fp?
  18. Think i`ll try MDF for my next lot of sheds
  19. you`ll have to cut a deal with fp then as he`s my yard foreman :D
  20. HOORAA i`m now a combine driver :) :) :) :) :) :)
  21. don`t worry about the 14s just keep an eye out for that red 1694 comemerative edition ! oops forgot one & the reg number ,my mate would be dead chuffed with that as he would really like to see it finished ! :)
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