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Everything posted by PDH

  1. What's the price and do you have any contact details for the shop?
  2. So did I but it appears UH haven't delivered. Think the Zwolle ones may have been some of those specially airfreighted in for Agritechnica, same as the MF and Zetor.
  3. I understand that Lemken would also like to know where the dealer boxed versions are.
  4. This spooky...PDH yesterday, PDC today ;D Happy birthday Paul and I hope you head feels better tomorrow morning than mine did this morning!
  5. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, really nice. I've been home alone all day but SWMBO has returned and we are off out. I intend to intake an excess of alcohol and have a morning in bed tomorrow to compensate.
  6. There are some photos that may be useful in this topic http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=15344.0
  7. Your local Zetor dealer should be able to get the dealer boxed versions for you. About ?25 each plus VAT.
  8. Next Time - February 3rd - if we remember we can arrange a time and a meeting place, the upstairs restaurant. Sorry I didn't see you Simon, I was on autopilot most of the time going around the hall as we'd spent most of the Xmas hols visiting relations in the South East, driven nearly a 1000 miles since Boxing Day, and had three very uncomfortable nights on a sofa bed!! Left Dover at 6.15 this morning and drove non-stop to Shepton.
  9. Ok Tris, no problem. It's here safe and sound, just waiting for you! Managed to get there for about 45 mins, arrived at 10.15 and was allowed in early. Sorry I didn't see you Simon or Mandy, or anyone else. Had a quick whizz round, only thing I bought was a Wiking Fendt 936 (only had ?40 cash on me and no cheque book, cards are banned till Christmas is paid for). Only one dealer had the Wiking Fendt, he bought 6 of them with him and all were sold by 10.30. The Fendt has been put away for my birthday next month, so haven't even had a chance to play with it yet.
  10. I hope to get there, calling in on my back from Xmas hols in Sussex. Only be a flying visit though. I'll try and say Hi if I see you Simon.
  11. Good luck Tris. Not the easiest thing in the world to do. Took me a couple of days and a lot of expert help.
  12. You need to consider whether you want a maize and a grass head for the new forager. Currently you can only get a Claas 960 with a maize head. If you go with a Norscott Claas 900 or Green Eye you can get both. Same with the NH, not sure on the JD.
  13. And I think we'd all agree with you Mike. i certainly do. It is an excellent model, just could have been an exceptional model if they'd got the manufacturing process correct.
  14. Yes they are solid white metal and heavy!
  15. Look forward to seeing them James.
  16. Having checked I totally agree with you, just in James photos is looks more central than mine. Angle the photo is taken at?
  17. Sorry james f, typo it was James T and apologies to you too
  18. James f sent me a couple of photos of the header and reel on his UH Matatdor last night, attached below (hope this is OK wth you James). These show the tines the same way round as mine but the central reel wheel appears to be in the centre of the reel so there are some around that are OK. I actually think there is nothing wrong with this model. This is a standard box version.
  19. Sean I think the model pictured on the box is wrong.
  20. I hadn't spotted that, concentrating on the reel. That can be fixed easily I think!!
  21. I?ve been allowed to remove mine from the Christmas pressie pile and open it to check it. I?ve also had a look at Claas Chronicles book and any other reference material I can find about the Matador. Interpreting, correctly I hope, what James and Sean have said about the reel tines then looking at the picture on the box (I have a dealer box version)and the model then the reel tines on the model are fitted the opposite way round to the box picture. However looking at the Claas Chronicles book at comparable combines (unfortunately there is no picture of a Matador header/reel in the book) then they would appear to be fitted correctly on the model and wrong in the box picture. However what is wrong on my model is the position of the reel central support ?wheel?. It should be in the centre of the reel but on my model it is towards the offside. The reel does rotate but is not removable with out some serious surgery. I spoke with Geoff last night and he knows no more than he put on here. Discussions are supposed to have taken place between Claas and UH about ?two problems on the front? (what exactly the problems are I do not know) and Claas have allegedly asked for a corrected production run. However they are still for sale in the Claas Shop today so have not been withdrawn. Also the model doesn?t travel well; there have been quite a few with broken guides on the header bottom. I suspect only Claas and UH know what is going to happen but with all the dealer and standard box versions issued and sold a recall may prove impossible and a Mark 2 version with mods/corrections may be produced (similar to the situation with the Xerion). So unless we can get an answer from UH or Claas we will probably just have to wait and see. Below are a couple of photos of the reel/header on my Matador to illustrate what I?ve tried to describe above. Would be interested in confirmation from those who have a model of the UH Matador whether theirs is the same as mine and which version (dealer or standard) they have.
  22. This is Kimi, an Oriental Red Burmese. My wife's pride and joy. About 12 months old now. His pedigree name is Flash 'arry but is called Kimi because he seems to think the whole house is a race track he can tear around and I didn't fancy going outside and calling for 'Fernado' or 'Michael'.
  23. So is mine but as its an Xmas pressie its been hidden from me till next week! Got an email address for Claas Customer Services so if we can get no info from elsewhere I'll email Claas in the New Year (no point now till after Jan 1) and see if I can get any advice/help. Pester Geoff Sean for more info if he has it.
  24. Is this all of them, dealer and Standard UH boxes? More info needed Geoff ???
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