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james f

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Everything posted by james f

  1. As regards dead calves, yes you are supposed to tag and register them and them pay to have them taken away by a registered knacker, but a common way out of this is to just bury them and say the cow miscarried if anyone asks any questions. Saw that program the other night and I couldn't believe that farmer who was into the pheasants, going into a shed with a mad cow without as much as a stick to defend himself, them humping a dead calf over his shoulder and rubbing all the dirt into himself instead of dragging it on the ground by the leg like a normal person, then handling a dead fox for ages, then letting cattle lick the blood off his hands, then trying to load cattle into a lorry without even tying the gates and then worrying about them walking on the lawn. I mean does the man have any idea about disease or basic stock handling. Maybe I am being harsh but I really thought he was a bad advertisment for farmers. If he stopped philosophising and used some common sense he might get on better, not to mention being safer. I thought the program was biased towards environmentalist and animal rights groups, pretendingto depict the views of the common farmer, but showing the skin being ripped off a dead calf can only be designed to provoke one reaction. Also, what was with the random shots of satellite dishes and mobile phone masts, another favourite bugbear of environmentalists and NIMBYs??
  2. That sounds rough Scott, but like you say he's lucky to be alive at all. It'll be a long painful road to recovery by the sounds of it but at least he has his sense of humour and family to get him through it. Best wishes anyway.
  3. Mines in the mid 1900s, will check that and the yellow one at the weekend
  4. Had to think about that one for minute! :D
  5. Ford 600 series, preferably q cab, none of them synchro boxes or column changes for me!!
  6. Does Lynch have one of them then? ???
  7. This might be a sweeping generalisation but I think we are more safety conscious over here, at a government or regulatory level anyway
  8. Cycled all the way into town to get my usual ?6.50 haircut to find it had jumped to ?15!! Won't be going back there again.
  9. I did no such thing, I don't even have one ???
  10. I don't know what books you're looking at powerrabbit, but the tines wouldn't even pull in the crop positioned like that. Nigel is right, they've been glued on in the wrong position to allow the reel to rotate, the sholud all hang down, more or less, the cam track then serves to rotate them on the reel to keep them looking the right way. My dad had a Matador Gigant years ago and yes they did have the six cylinder version of the Major engine. Between that and the fact that they got the decals wrong and the header seems a bit narrow, I'd say they measured a standard one or a bitsa \
  11. Was that not our McMad friend's post I 'translated' there? He's from Norfolk as far as I remember, it used to be his reason in the old days, "Don't mind my spelling, I'm from Norfolk" or something to that effect :D
  12. That's doctors for you, tell you there nothing wrong with you or else tell you something you already know, then charge you for the privelege >
  13. I notice one front wheel is on backwards too
  14. Looks great, bet they will be popular even if they are mostly a continental based machine
  15. I think he means "Where are you going to spread your slurry? Cattle work aint worth it, you smash your tractor up and make little money. Well that's what I have learned"
  16. I'd say if you're going to go into contracting its best to find a niche, maybe doing some new service like crimping. Finding a viable niche like that is easier said than done I know, and its a risk to invest in a machine for a job that might just be a fad, but for example, when baled silage became popular first anyone that bought a wrapper early on was able to sew up the market and establish a customer base without having to go out and compete with every tom **** and harry, the same with slurry agitation when slatted tanks became popular. I know several lads who tried hedgecutting and couldn't make it work, mostly because of the cost of insurance.
  17. Damn!! Just off to buy that now ;D Have 'em all so far so I may as well keep going! Anyone have any news of the black one?
  18. The majority of synchro Fords have had the gearbox out as well!! I like all Fords up to the end of the 10 series except the synchro ones, wouldn't look at a Ford or New Holland after that though, Valtra is my favourite modern brand because they're tough as old boots and will take hardship, unlike JD's which just start to go pear-shaped when abused in the hands of contractors and the like.
  19. Some nice stuff in there! ;D Took me a while to figure out what the flat roller beside the John Deere is though \. The cab looks a bit far forward on that T series, but I think i'll have to get it all the same . Looks like they're bringing out the black truck and low loader in both Siku Control and ordinary formats?
  20. That be's a hot wire cutter, not the same thing
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